France's President with what goodness would I cannot understand Japan's earthquake-prone country selling it to other countries to know the danger of nuclear power would feel embarrassment was heard talking on TV Japan to export nuclear power in incongruous comments is not the will, to do with nuclear waste, unnecessary conveniences just wants to be the garbage an impossible things like do you know may elections this year Who says I want a well thought out, assess the real intention of the parties votes there which does not show it's not me do anything like that waiting children not mothers voice so I gave «Oku-Chichibu |
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Such as nationwide withdrawal contains a lot of long view now has a house-cleaning my home which it reclusive KHJ parent Association dropping blow to Japan's future is expected to be can walk the same life meaningful to have helped organizations feel that left Watanabe Yoshimi or not in your neighborhood I have been training well, can reach out to people it does not come out so much media come through basics for the Japanese people, I wish luck and stay Honjo Juku Tokyo Kobe special cram heart care friend hope aim presence such as first port of hikikomori who left school truant youths cheerfully continues to give hope to the future of young people and more than 6,000 young people has left the nest, such as Onomichi?!
There are high school.