Opinion from scientists for the thesis that "there was no internal exposure of children in Fukushima" Tokyo University and Prof. Hayano, study the internal radiation exposure problem or doctors and citizens. Divided into two times longer, so posting.
This is the first one.
It all fits together is Kimura knew doctors settled. "" Large internal radiation survey in Fukushima Prefecture-body amount of radioactive cesium in the children and adults of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant accident 7-20 months after-"Hayano's thesis for public question ' intelligence Kimura, Shigeru Taguchi Eisuke Matsui, Katsuhiko yagasaki horse Shuntaro Hida, takeno in Mari 4/11/2013, Hayano ryugo Professor of University of Tokyo et al. Internal radiocesium contamination of adults and children in Fukushima 7 to 20 months after the Fukushima NPP accident as measured by extensive whole-body-counter surveys pdf "target =" _blank "> https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/pjab/89/4/89_PJA8904B-01/_pdf" large internal radiation survey in Fukushima Prefecture, of the whole body of children and adults in the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant accident 7-20 months after radioactive cesium-"https
thesis://docs.google.com/file/d/0Byf-QYeE0N7pTWFyRnVhMnhZNmM/preview?pli=1 ( hereafter Hayano's thesis) was announced.
In this article, Hirata Takahiro called internal radiation as predicted from the finding of the Chernobyl disaster in whole-body counter (WBC) took place at the central hospital laboratory findings the findings are summarized.
Also received for publication immediately after by many media together, "children's exposure to ' 0'", "cesium detection, not", "99% without the"internal 1% dose"post raised the headings internal exposure minimal, was issued.
Receiving the paper, originated in an article that "internal radiation detection number of children in the Fukushima Prefecture from zero's first meals by internal radiation effect article 's" diamond online papers lead author Prof. ryugo Hayano "than had been feared from contaminated soils in Fukushima Prefecture internal exposure level by level of actual internal exposure of residents far value low, health effects come out not at all" and stated, author of this article also "you know what these results?. Not constantly ingest the food is contaminated with radioactive material continues and internal exposure number rises is.
That contamination had little food is distributed in areas of radioactive contamination of the soil after the accident, it was demonstrated once again ", and States.
Without reading the actual Hayano's thesis these simultaneously many public reading only the articles reported that the media was a relief to was probably staying in Fukushima Prefecture residents internal radiation or nuclear accident was harsh harm due to radioactive contamination, were not such as to cause anxiety is "Government took place after the accident were outstanding, compared to the former Soviet Union, the appropriate it can be evaluated and" and felt the makes no difference.
A, of course, no internal exposure to large amounts of cesium residents say that's a very good information.
But instead of endure the WBC examination itself accurately assess the actual internal radiation, of course safety secured nothing in get and that is "common sense" among researchers of the internal radiation. Also Prof. ryugo Hayano "values affect out health not at all", and no safety threshold, including health effects due to radiation exposure will he have made that clear, but an international consensus in radiation protection, it is "common sense".
Disseminate in the media many people to see such statements ignored the international consensus or "common sense" is what can't help feeling wonder as a behavior specialist responsible to disseminate correct knowledge to the public. But in blogs such as Twitter and Facebook, part Hayano said article and desynchronization communication for researchers and the general public because the dissertation increases at many voices to point out such reactions or article writing officials after reports, later also received the report of speech and ordinary citizens about any such problems and questions, on the other hand to an international audience, but civilians that transmit personal, sporadically in NET environment
Is not easily develop a meaningful discussion of bi-directional.
Is of course an important international academic journals, risk of bias too long or is clear it is an area difficult to access for the general public and also when they disseminated civilians by media to a Watch reported on how new Hayano said paper, end up misleading the general public to be dramatized.
So this time experts and the general public in issues and questions regarding the internal radiation exposure research activities for this Hayano's thesis and residents have been public question form voices from the following people for their purposes, and enable discussion fora "public Internet" that we will be delivered directly to our patients. ------Hayano ryugo Professor thesis [opinion] Taguchi Shigeru (Fukushima Prefecture) 1) ECG abnormalities to be from internal contamination of 10Bq/kg # ski Dr. Belarus Central Scientific Institute. WBC now use detection limit value is larger, 300 Bq /Body and each cesium 134 and 137 for 4 year-old's grade average 16 kg weight ( 6 years children ) of average weight is 21 kg, respectively 18's detection limit value for these. 75 Becquerels/kg, 14. 3 Becquerels/kg, assuming the error about 20% 4-year-old child is 19.
13 Unnotice as there was no internal exposure, undetected becquerels potency if thing.
Cesium especially entered the child's body is condensed in the heart and lead to cardiac and vascular disorders, and radioactivity was easy to accumulate mostly cardiac muscle cells do not divide for the kids heart is whole-body average 10 times or more.
Internal radiation dose is hidden by the detection limit effects of exposure is greater, fetuses and small children this inspection method is child's age, less weight as "not found", it's problematic.
2) 1 Above) of a that TEPCO and country if you plan to health hazards go wipe the future Island residents reason, conclude that "shown extremely low levels of internal radiation thing", "effects of radiation are unlikely" to favour, hiding, internal radiation stunted to say I cannot.
3) During Street, Beach Street next to issue many impressions and appraisal in areas less contamination of secondary school students, concluded the internal radiation exposure is very low, no sampling bias situation and Fukushima Prefecture is as low as that, many problems kanezu impacting the country child victims assistance Bill or internal exposure to, give TEPCO 又 country damages decision situations such as the victim against.
4) "Is 0 in children under 15 years of age.
09 Percent internal radiation than adults ' with comparedwith the conclusion that weight not necessarily correct.
5) Residents distribution of test subjects, intended to moderately polluted areas relatively 250kBq/m2 and at most highly polluted regions (-3000 k Bq ) of noise to residents eligible for internal radiation exposure did Fukushima Prefecture is like WOC has many problems.
6) Newspaper and most media is heading, such as "there was no internal exposure" and mislead the media and many people have big social problems. 7) According to the ski PhD thesis WBC tests how inferior, careless or.
Small internal exposure, whether such a conclusion is obvious. 8) Counter no. body inspection results published in abridged table 1 Fukushima HP "99 more than 10,000 participants.
9% 134137-Car cesium happy who committed effective dose to 1 mSv reach "with this factor necessarily internal exposure values correctly reflect the clinical data is not a thing is effective dose equivalent to Sv from Bq to conclusions or coincidentally P5, P6 is stated using the conversion factor to Sv from ICRP becquerel.
Conversion coefficient of the ECRR ICRP conversion factor many times-the coefficients of several dozen times criticized the miniaturization of the ICRP. If you correct conversion coefficient of the ICRP, want show clinical data.
( ICRP has suspended examination of internal exposure history and ) world sends small making internal radiation ICRP claim as correct in this article is not acceptable from the standpoint of the victims. 9) Fukushima abridged P2 soil pollution-100kBq/m2 and there explosion initially soil before the Fukushima Prefectural Government also 1000kBq/m2 over and needed a correction?
For soil contamination declines every day after the present soil contamination article should state, at any time either.
10) Soil contamination UNSCEAR depository RMS dose internal exposure and soil contamination relationship coefficient have at selected passages P2 and 20 to adopt the factor time explode time after time is ambiguous.
Or 8) of the validity of the conversion factor to Sv (RMS dose internal exposure depository) vague reasons from the BQ, I hope to specify grounds for this and extended description. ------Mari takenouchi (translators, journalists) 1. But first I need to hear is grounds for conversion formulas to mSv from Bq. 8Th line, 2 mSv becomes 400Bq/day, 60000Bq/Body from page 157 article last ( at 200Bq/day or 30000Bq/body, i.e. 1mSv ( itself is strange it would be such a beautiful figure. Antitrust grounds ), or rationale for this has come from nowhere.
Scientists made a calculation and computation expressions or authority and the basis point. 2. Tsubokura doctors at the Okinawa meeting of " skiing article I read. Honesty is in trouble.
"And described the 10-even his blog incident to heart, 20Bq/kg in May about quote to has. Above 60000 Bq /Body can be murderous figures of 3000Bq/kg in 30000Bq/body, i.e., 10 kg baby 2000Bq/kg, as well as statutory 1 mSv even in 1000Bq/kg a 30 kg child in a 60 kg adult.
What do you think about this?
3. Examination of the WBC, has totally missed the initial exposure is this what do you think?Incidentally on Masahiro Professor of Tokyo Institute of medical science also has said the following at TW previously. "Residents have a higher initial exposure that is certain. (Omitted) iidate village, had let children was 3/15 had a massive release of radiation. Soil contamination is high. Think thyroid cancer leaves the future "basis for questions the occurrence of thyroid cancer: breathed 6.3 µ SV/h = 1100Bq/m3 = at 3/15 in Tokyo, doses of 1100Bq/m3×22 m 3 (day and suck air amount) ÷ about 1008Bq/h the number is already in 24 hours. Which Sv highs in Fukushima city was a 24 micro inhaled at one time close to 4000 Bq anyone of Fukushima city.
Namie 10000 Bq/m3 there are also low-dose exposure to NHK's program. Namely, Namie town is per 1 hour, 10000Bq/m3×22 m 3 (day and suck air amount) ÷ be 24 hour-9167 Bq / h doing inhalation exposure.
Think of mass exposure, no effect on thyroid cancer is funny. Is a percentage in the release of radioactivity nuclide from it, 14 radionuclide Bq a few there are industrial Labor Bureau in the about 3/15. ( is not "However in all 14 radionuclide.
) iodine accounted for the number of nuclides measured 1/4 Bq, should can be estimated from here also Namie-machi residents iodine dose. However, according to skiing article for cesium, easy to accumulate a thyroid and also increase the occurrence of thyroid cancer synergistically.
Studies also exist other nuclide, the thyroid cancer may contribute to the occurrence of synergistic effects, a Bq of iodine-131-only, end computed incidence seems premature.
------Be continued next time---