] Nankai Trough earthquakes up 9500000 people and refugees is a National Committee published the final report of the 5/28 > key to advance disaster prevention "> take lessons from East Japan earthquake" > home stockpile of week-"say water should two-liter per day in adults [John-J comments: doesn't so better don't use water.
You aren't likely deduce how to think good glutinous rice-cake bake.
But survival techniques depend on the person.
* * 5 月 31 日 (金) 18:35 delivery] for party leadership decided the Dai Nippon hunting constitiution Chairman Yohei Sasaki (71) fielded as candidates for proportional election party "70-year-old retirement system" the inimical, objected to the "wrong".
is a just argument [John-J comments: good art is eviscerating Pieman loafing and loopholes.
Pass the plotline LDP dig grave himself.
* *] the General Assembly of the United Nations Scientific Committee on the effects of atomic radiation (UNSCEAR), closing 31 of "radiation exposure (nuked) Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station using the health effects are not.
With low population exposure and health suffer future seems unlikely "with summary conclusions.
[John-J comments] is that democratic party displaced the suddenly forced to evaluate after bad.
But the people took refuge in life was broken.
TEPCO cursed Sin forgetting weighty things will not become it.
* * 6/1 8:15 delivery] 3789300000000 JPY Tokyo Electric Power Co. Daiichi to ensure compensation funds paid to accident victims, urged the additional aid of 666200000000 Yen Atomic Energy Agency for damages.
[John-J comment] TEPCO's collateral?
The dismantled, sold and lent money and won't collect?
Though a good hand.
* *] [3000000000000 ¥ pledged] [in public-private 1400000000000 ¥ official development assistance (ODA) over five years to the next of investments total $ 16 billion (1600000000000 yen)--maximum column and expressed the idea to 3200000000000 Yen aid to Africa.
What worth experimenting with this [John-J comment] was four years of the Democratic Party?
Was four years of stagnation and confusion?
Chapters from the I want to stand out just in, against the Bill until lawmakers there cringed at the life of the Democratic Party.
Back to the Chase.
Is it slow?
In the scatter?
What is trade and effective resource development will be targeted by Chinese harassment?
* * 6/1 13:50 delivery] preliminary group called mild cognitive impairment (MCI) in 2012, amounts to 4620000 people is 4 million who also found that for the first time, people with dementia in estimates 15 percent of seniors aged 65 and over.
[John-J comments: One person's dementia 6.7 people aged 65 and older!
Greater burden on families.
It is not others thing.
It's a way sooner or later anyone passing through.
* *