Yamashita, Yusuke bathed drew much attention in "the truth of marginal settlements" out of hirosaki University immediately after the East Japan earthquake, 4/2011, was transferred to the Tokyo Metropolitan University. But never not abandoning Eastern are. Might either get the previous full immersion made it impossible even although, so far with the feet at 懸 with its own route visited Northeast, also participated in the sociological survey victims, refugees and supporters, engages in research and interviews with stakeholders and other. Since the earthquake, many 20s Furuichi, t. and 開沼, sociologist, has the appearance of success.
From only therefore wider horizons and Yamashita, Yusuke's ages of generation 1 higher than their early 40s, but staring at Japan society. Yamashita, Yusuke to deploy in this book's social systems in Japan. Japan Society is covered since the 1990s, huge, wide-area systems, we live it as a natural thing.
While East Japan earthquake, accident is the experience part of the collapse of the regional system and revealed realities not subject forecast mainly anyone put more trust in the system, system-wide, happened to be at the center of some professional, some areas only, have a judgment. It seems or peripheral is not visible from the Center, regardless of and apparent heart extent from around. Maybe too far. But moving around the system there.
"Central / peripheral thus wide area system has problems and even subjectivity there nowhere problems will be revealed. It's back speaking however and dysfunctional system may be replaced with a new system or apparently to the original system.
Looks like, you're also in forget if it had accidents, disasters, etc to move original system of. Are you trying to solve such theory system / subject as metaphysical and sociological problem is. Chapter 3 system, especially, who's come to these considerations guided. Raised awareness in the regional system disasters Chapter 1, after examine the reality of disaster and accident brought calm. Divided into tsunami toll the "2005 Sanriku tsunami 2" in physical damage, psychological damage and social damage, especially about the social damage (1) (2), destruction of homes and relatives (3) the collapse of the Community regional industrial and economic loss, (4) municipal damage, of consider both four. Can be understood this way, reverse recovery in each case, society as a whole to recover first.
And even existed, none of those resting on the larger system. Area of human, noting the title from the name "Tohoku" ""Northeast "Chapter 3"at the point to others that were.
It is not only the ancient follow modern and losing autonomy be subsumed in the wide area system in further. Chapter 4 nuclear shelter was the nature of the damage caused by nuclear accidents. Spread as yet still incomplete, not known for the time being, continuing to point out the cope that evacuation instructions only in the Middle at all. Show actual correspond in nature cannot be also brought under control only in the middle of, and yet it is running a penal system. It has system about to be further reinforced and saw no way of solving it but is a reality.
Draw conditions of refugees all at the same time, socially divided. Okuma-machi plant refuge areas in Chapter 5 "recovery and assistance and report the conflict between victims and the administration over the Hill moved in ishinomaki city regional mergers, interviewed regarding"provisional town in Tomioka town"asks what the true revival. Subjectivity of disaster area in front of the intention to rush Recovery Center and not working.
And actual functioning as a wide-area systems even in volunteer activities. Thus the widespread respectful coverage and turning to analyze and study at the end of the first question back. What plays we can live this wide area systems the defames how ago. The answer is not shown clearly. Society, society based on individual maternal with Western Christianity is based on "relationships", "community" in Japan there isn't either.
And it's still a hypothesis of Yamashita, PostScript, was written like that. And heard the words "East Japan earthquake comes great epoch changing era, often following the quake, and I said so. However, the emergence of the Abe Cabinet greater era original location seems to attempt to disaster than nuclear power plant never before. But surely different. In the book "were people who criticized this disaster"second war". But rather it is the last outbreak of Pacific war Japan seems closer. "(P219) and 1 it is very interesting. The author seems warns and war into an era is what the penal system back to original as you move. A political move that subjectivity by themselves is not having a new mechanism but to lay.
Continue to see the disaster area would be one single force. -Without huge system formed now, over a wide area of Japan society. Earthquake happened threatens the viability of the regional system. / "Around and around" in the regional system. Quake rise to the area of Northeast Japan and many people were tucked into the area around around the new affected areas that appear wider in the northeast of. And in the surrounding area will continue continue continue because no matter how near even, is necessary to "subjectivity" is. But identity crisis wasn't just around the affected areas-problem in the earthquake. Not visible mainly focus on even was born far from the area. -In whatever area of wide-area systems this system only fulfill their continued existence. And instead of something proactively advocated their continued existence even, but it has become so as a result, human's exist as objective here only. (P10)-also look at the flow of information concerning the accident or evacuating in the responsibility over the induction of earlier "Center-area > framework is still and has been kept alive. ... Be observed after a system failure is a strong resilience to, rather than a force to change the ideal way of the failed system back to its original state. I said... "should be nuclear-free" here is. It's just the things in the process... anti-nuclear movement concerned with the larger system and are moving in the center of the system. Page... If you resolve this problem from the root, it is nuclear-free, and removal system should be. (P163)-supporters nor those being assisted already's in the system. As long as this cannot solve problems caused by this system. While... it keeps stays during system also would do if you could have one single, it's noticed problems system itself is, sticking it to constantly question 可能性 一 、 、 気 問題 点 抱 自身 、 、 疑問 視 解 it can to solve this but, such gimmicks. America is questioning the power, set the problem first of all. And Fulham that question more persistently and insistently, exactly what is going to keeps unleashed is more important. (P246)-it system is too high. Too big in it may be to its decision to politics to cherish all the people, not the middle term the problem. And politics only because no big economic intervene press is science,. However, each person's voice become fragments in these big things by only. Often people with numbers, and. Meaning of human life it hands along the people in person. But live is to not be true students. Reconstruction of reconstruction are equally true is not. And that issues of such a State with only necessary to ask through the disaster. But anyone questioning it. While soaking and immerse yourself in the system.
(P270)-In any society, recognizing that social practice and social, also there are subject to change. Then, what is subjectivity in the Japan Society? ... It is still a small community will, seems familiar, unconscious, take for granted every day connection. Could be that was a misreading of history of Japan Society, such small communities overlap interconnected whole has been developed, also change occurs throughout always somewhere community begins.