Saturday, June 1, 2013

Spirits of Yasukuni Shrine

Yasukuni issue became so treated heavily of Nakasone Cabinet age began, Koizumi's administration through the Abe administration.
There are common characteristics of these three regimes is true the intention of the United States.
If you look at national died in the Act of war of Japan Government soldiers Emperor encyclical enshrining as God shrine.
Will visit Japanese soldiers in Asia killed 20 million if it sees from the outside as a remembrance and religious monuments.

This huge gap is looking to fill;
Learn misdeeds Abt Western countries began following from the age of discovery and Japan's Asian invasion does not have much difference.
Says "if we be judged from the opium war judged that should be" during the Tokyo trials judged these acts is that only Japan and Germany Hideki Tojo leave.
I also think so.

Problems in the far east of war begins with the request that 寄 interest in Manchuria to the United States.
... To export opium to China U.S. as well as the United Kingdom, and yet imported much Chinese slave.
These huge profits by the drug almost applies to problems of modern warfare.
Switzerland bank deposit huge emperors also got similar United Kingdom Royal by drug money.
Relentlessly stick to Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize in Afghan's opium production.
Most of the property of the Royal family and to the modern Zaibatsu is the result of these actions.
It's "nutshell the Yasukuni problem, went dead in one mobilization order by order of the emperor to war soldiers as heroes, is a living God Emperor worship this religious system.

North Korea is in Japan these days looks a lot.

At that time, people in the countries of Asia was under Japan's colonial is enshrined as Japan.
Quagmire in on Sino-Japanese war 戦争 泥沼 化 日中 打立 傀儡 政権 満州 建国 一方 、 establish a puppet government in Manchuria national "on the other hand, required oil southwards expansion front only, supporting this crazy day one great Yasukuni shrine was a pillar.
Asia over 20 million said people caught in the Japanese madness to die.
Its miseries are no different than the Western colonial rule.

Against killing, enslavement of the people who live there to plunder resources, Japanese built a shrine, who built the Church.
Yasukuni has functioned to justify these actions.
... Ships Japan sink Ocean entirely by an excellent submarine of the United States the fanatical Christians in southern States that helped Bush Jr.
Experiments that Japan ciphers are decoded and how after the houses of Japan to Tokyo air raids earlier in that annihilated efficiently or well built house in Japan USA was experimenting.
Emperor Hirohito was determined war finally in gloom that bombing is the nail in the coffin.
Force without replenishment will be no armies or serviceman, is longer.
Oftentimes more starvation.
Many of the atrocities occurred.
Eat the flesh of dead soldiers and commonplace.
Emergency power will collapse.
Local stone remains of soldiers died in that battle was.... a lot such a story.
People who died in this form also says remembrance.
This logic exists in Japan right now.
Mitsui, Mitsubishi is a merchant of death grossed in the war is dominating first on the world.
Brokers involved in modern nuclear power plants is a descendant of the fellows who were 儲 in the war almost.
Asia how see the status quo such a disastrous Japan?
I think many people with trespassing Asia WAD after the war at prewar days, the military?.
Is the root of the problem is a matter of perception of history.
Many spirits sleep Yasukuni instead and remembrance, of spirits.These ancient Japan enshrined the spirits as a God, I wish the Patriots from faith and passions are nearly as abroad at logic think or to the modern Japanese understanding almost impossible because there is no 解 is then.
I worked for at the time, Mitsukoshi's grandfather was as a volunteer 40 go to the Philippines too.
Dead and 迷 miraculously returned the starvation.
Ten my father or grandfather... or so, which was the Ensign dressed in military uniforms who were privates fear America, died in the hunger, it returned.
Having Asian countries have common historical awareness.
Memorial to the people who fell victim to war, this is a road to peace I. Stuff is very, very difficult road..... (-λ-) gassho-style...