Saturday, June 1, 2013

That day's blog

According to articles in the newspapers this morning that power companies waste when furnace plant is the Ministry of economy, trade and industry, at the same time huge losses even less. Looking to split the loss due to costs associated with decommissioning and the primary asset value erosion to zero over long periods of time, financial processing mechanisms. Embark on a workplace environment conducive to such pointed out faults feared power companies into financial difficulties, 踏切 decommissioning for nuclear decommissioning. Likely to decommissioning, concluded out of 50 domestic nuclear power plants, active fault with reactor nuclear reactor under nuclear regulatory Commission is the Tsuruga nuclear power plant unit 2 Japan nuclear power plant, Fukui Prefecture. And other hazards such as tsunamis or suspected faults, broken or outdated nuclear power plants could be pressed to decommissioning. But power company decide to decommissioning comes up huge losses in the year.
Make up for underfunding "waste furnace costs over 40 years, that" ▽ losses resulting from nuclear power stations and nuclear fuel worth erosion to zero, because at one time should be handled as a "loss". «This day's blog |
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