Sunday, June 2, 2013

Trade Minister "bureaucratic" criticism

 Hardened into multiyear losses due to decommissioning had declared, could recoup in electricity charges review accounting rules to reduce the management burden on the power company when the Ministry of economy, trade and industry waste reactor at nuclear power plant.
 A new regulatory standards for nuclear power plants if enacted in July is aimed at avoid urged on decommissioning nuclear power plants could get out, power company would no longer decided decommissioning accounting rules on the matter. Power companies are currently based provision for decommissioning with depending on the operation results.
 Determine the decommissioning in advance must be recognized reserve shortfalls and asset values, such as nuclear power facilities had zero minutes as loss once the financial position worsened considerably. Then, from June during Ministry established the Advisory Council by experts, such as an accountant for several years, split the losses due to decommissioning, can be recorded to consider revision of the rules.
Solidify this fall a new content strategy, plan for about ten years and emerging is split.
No more bureaucracy"!
Tokai power station even demolition have started to 12/2001, yet reactor was not dismantled. For permanent operation nuclear power plant after the abolition of high-level radioactive waste, isolation and management by TBD. (Reference) Japan's first commercial nuclear reactors dismantled in this plight.
Is the decommissioning of the nuclear power plant in Japan is only in the experimental stage.
10 Compelling even without accidents, or the decommissioning many years really is understood be able too. Going to it and do not know what to do trash clean up, doesn't matter to utilities? It cannot take forever, responsible?
After all, people should turn it! Irresponsible companies irresponsible national order!
(Mad) reference Wikipedia: Tokai power station and-^ ^ male/o type Favorites image list diary popularity guestbook friends send additional messages to registered friends registered senders (8,785) ^ ^ musical revue. cum and-^ ^ of nonsense medicine song writing project learning piano practice
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