Tuesday, April 30, 2013

I can say... "people die _ 1144 _ P lauterbur"

6:07 Paul lauterbur-legacy that finding people SPYSEE http://spysee.jp/%E3%83%9D%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AB%E3%83%BB%E3%83%A9%E3%82%A6%E3%82%BF%E3%83%BC%E3%83%90%E3%83%BC/15511 more than 25% of the models than MRI #DigInfo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XABBj7JNbmw The reduced power rating Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI, magnetic resonance imaging) and (nuclear magnetic resonance, NMR) nuclear magnetic resonance than the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2003 http://www.nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/medicine/laureates/2003/ resonance image methods (Wikipedia)
The way to images inside the human body information an issue. Three-dimensional information obtained since the shooting method based on the physical properties of the substance produces the image seemingly x-ray computed tomography and computed tomography that is similar, but totally different from CT CT ( has been become gain recent CT ) gained more.
2003, Recognized its importance in medical MRI and application, and Nobel Prize in Physiology or medicine for "discoveries concerning magnetic resonance imaging", given to Paul lauterbur and Peter Mansfield.
Paul lauterbur (Wikipedia) than Paul Christian lauterbur (Paul Christian Lauterbur, 5/6/1929 - 3/27/2007) is a chemist in the United States. Discovery to allow the development of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), along with Peter Mansfield won the 2003 Nobel Prize in Physiology or medicine.
His original MRI is a New York State University at Stony Brook on Long Island. Born in Ohio. Having served Professor University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1985, New York State University of Stony Brook, since 1969.
3/27/2007 Finished the life of 77 years. -----------------Omiya nobumitsu / by "50 discovery / invention of modern chemistry" Science-I published in new book 2012 invention of the MRI was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2003 (some excerpts line MRI inventor lauterbur and Mansfield) was followed by development of x-ray CT 1979-winning medical engineering feat. Is the same slice Imaging different principles of MRI and CT scans. X-ray computed tomography uses a kind of radiation X rays, unlike x-rays is that computer calculate the data taken from different directions, turning the detector around the body and shrugging.
Reconfigure the body this way of doing even a three-dimensional absorption distribution image. MRI contrast using magnetic field nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) phenomenon, get cross-sectional images. Magnetic field on the nuclear Zeeman splitting, splitting the two energy levels available. Zeeman splitting is possible in one orbital electron takes two possible spin States ( spin phenomenon because it is possible. One analogy, two humans normal standing and standing there. Two spin States is same with no magnetic field energy. Nuclear magnetic resonance can energy between two States but that the Zeeman splitting. Nuclear magnetic resonance why does a difference in energy? If standing human stands than usual hard, energy consumption. However, there is no difference in energy with standing and standing, so that gravity does not exist in outer space without difference of upper and lower case. This is the Earth that energy comes out difference.
Zeeman splitting is equivalent.Most of the biomolecules that make up the human body contains a myriad of hydrogen nuclei. Nuclear spin orientation apart's at this rate, put the human body this nuclear constant intensity magnetic field in its nucleus to be like tiny electromagnets, which spin in the same direction. Eliminate the magnetic field also would be to spin and status, i.e. various direction as. However, to restore the original time different every human organization.
      From MRI Plus magnetic fields to humans once removed, measure the time state of the hydrogen nucleus back under the State, stereoscopic images the difference in the computer. -Announce, until 1973, finally, Paul lauterbur of the United States proposed principle the principle of simple and important images, and a linear magnetic field gradient. To give a slight gradient magnetic imaged as resonant frequency shift in Fourier transform world space position information.
Compared to the back until the hydrogen nuclei to State and 1977, United Kingdom Peter Mansfield's time in irradiated with less high frequency pulse trains, was to give the images at high speed. Thus practical MRI shows more visceral State because no practical radiation exposure and bone does not reflect. Image contrast is excellent in many respects than crisp, than x-rays, will revolutionize medical practice. Most use magnetic, so can't use MRI to or embedding metal body.
Contrary to examine bone disease in MRI are very helpful. -----------------Paul lauterbur Google search http://www.google.co.jp/images?hl=ja&rlz=1T4GZAZ_jaJP276JP276&q=%E3%83%9D%E3%83%BC%E3%83%AB%E3%83%BB%E3%83%A9%E3%82%A6%E3%82%BF%E3%83%BC%E3%83%90%E3%83%BC&gs_l=hp.

Kobe 4

I compared to East Japan earthquake and the great Hanshin earthquake deaths the number of victims range in size and even though radioactive pollution by nuclear power and,-have been decided the East Japan earthquake is terrible.
Blurry somewhere in town full of peculiar dusty smell, has been demolishing buildings damaged somewhere in the early days.
I had to walk slowly, head down is so much darker, to find.
But the feelings of the people who lost their homes and lost family members will remain left behind.
Some people know these bricks were laid almost disappeared isn't either.
Longer not Kobe, not at brick.
Character to fade, after 17 years from that would be difficult to read.
I stopped and stared down may seem suspicious. «Kobe 3 ) |
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¡Úusa¡û negotiations already between earthlings and aliens and the Government is hiding it. Extraterrestrial kicks off in Washington hearings about the existence of extraterrestrials

In the United States outside the Earth held the hearings about the existence of extraterrestrials. Carolyn cheeks-Kilpatrick Kilpatrick of Detroit is under internal investigation about the deal, said "activity of the week of fun," the Detroit News. The newspaper reported that Kilpatrick serve as Chairman on Tuesday. Kilpatrick was Democratic Congressman to 2011, from 1997 to her. Her son, former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick guilty on 24 of corruption and waited for the sentencing and with it. id = "tag0" /E1367301020016.html 27: death (abbreviation) ◆ CtG./SISYA: 2013 / 04 / 30 (Tuesday) 18:34:16.06 ID:3s+0MA/S0 in conclusion you have no grounds for true delusion, whether or not according to. From get paranoid is a nicely flatters "back". In progress there is no conspiracy theorists you from not even attempts to validate what are discharging endlessly delusional. Go read "Mu". 31: [Kyushu 85.2% electric] [Lv = 40, xxxPT] armpits (5: 1 + 0)! kab anzaki on leaf @ FREE TIBET ◆ giKoK 4gH6I:2013/04/30 (Tuesday) 18:35:09.79 ID:q852ssDT0? 2 BP (3335) nyaruko I's?. 243: Asad anniversary @ 13: 2013 / 04 / 30 (Tuesday) 20:11:43.44 ID:RgE4hJzI0 and sending up a cloud of BOSSCM and cassette Oka and the X-files NetA bringing Japan still applies of's occlusion in 245: Asad anniversary @ 13: 2013 / 04 / 30 I communicate with aliens is very fashionable (Tuesday) 20:12:05.97 ID:1NDXU9cO0 Bashar's too and also can communicate with aliens true how could prove that it? Can't prove something is true even though, being treated just delusional and not how I'm a and of course study your were you when you come, did research at NASA organization like the mess, until he'd studied next to results by screwing the Pocket shape memory alloys are quickly that leaking out between, or Japan lingerie maker I put the BRA, or used a kotatsu switch. Long came to see JAXA Research Institute NASA officials assessed here was solid they are made is kept confidential,"awesome" "can hold so much secret more than NASA has at stake, I can't (laughter", 388 NASA officials were talking scientific journals I read some years ago interview: Asad anniversary @ 13: 2013 / 04 / 30 I often hear when high doses of radiation detected from (Tuesday) 22:18:21.89 ID: /lH2RmixO UFO and alien infested place. Radioactivity drain or progress made after tens of thousands of years and extremity of the moron's too!? 392: Asad anniversary @ 13: 2013 / 04 / 30 (Tuesday) 22:21:48.30 ID:SA1z3h340 UFO I saw! Is their UFO picture is observed-I a I wish it's similar designs. Though the design is changing with the times. Somewhere in I stay imprinted figure collection la-vote 14 ニャル wax w gutto Kuru (maid) (PVC pre-painted PVC) recent comments [anime] "little busters!
~ Refrain ~ "presented by santaclaus911 (04 / 19)TV version episodes 1 momoiro clover Z is published by Mr.名無shi @ sorry 5th DIMENSION evolution of different dimensional visual impact (04 / 11) space battleship Yamato 2199 Assen 5.7% 35-49 years old divorce family (04 / 10) up by "Big Daddy" individuals viewership, "discrete family" by (04 / 08) NTT "once you have this app point." → 30000 entries → criticism flooded by eels (04 / 02) → danger of sending all your PIN kreca and account balances, such as [corporal ] Cartwright's Osaka evessa erupted in Chicago Bulls to continuously support cherry high basketball Palace reconstruction guidance by sunflower et me Oh South port on board ticket sale Office / occult and pseudoscience by eel observed with suspicion written death threats in the Faw transportation co. (02 / 12) [social] comic market if 30-year-old man involved in the arrest operation remote incident (02 / 11).
Why be deceived? by UGG UGG Hawaii Hawaii (12 / 01) pseudoscience and occultism.
Why be deceived? occult and pseudoscience by AG store (12 / 01).
Why be deceived? by UGG (12 / 01) pseudoscience and occultism.
Why be deceived? by UGG UGG Hawaii Hawaii (12 / 01) pseudoscience and occultism.
Why be deceived? by UGG Rakuten UGG Rakuten UGG Rakuten (12 / 01) pseudoscience and occultism.
Why be deceived? occult and pseudoscience by UGG UGG Hawaii Hawaii (11 / 30)...
Why be deceived? occult and pseudoscience by UGG Rakuten UGG Rakuten UGG Rakuten (11 / 30)...
Why be deceived? occult and pseudoscience by UGG Rakuten UGG Rakuten UGG Rakuten (11 / 30)...
Why be deceived? occult and pseudoscience by UGG 5815 (11 / 29).
Why be deceived? occult and pseudoscience by UGG 1873 10 (11 / 29).
Why be deceived? occult and pseudoscience by UGG genuine (11 / 29).
Why be deceived? occult and pseudoscience by UGG Rakuten UGG Rakuten UGG Rakuten (11 / 29).
Why be deceived? Trackback by UGG Rakuten UGG Rakuten UGG Rakuten (11 / 29) recent Mayor Oita declared full support for Leonardo DiCaprio, Rino sashihara in AKB general election vote city employees and citizens, including calls by AKB48 video Theater so-NET Center (04 / 13) "Kuroda market raids" overseas... breaking new mitigation Bank "cataclysmic event" 2ch [conclusion] by NTT news breaking disgusting Chu Edition (04 / 05) " I gave points once you have the app "→ 30000 apply criticism flooded by 2ch [conclusion] → danger of sending all your PIN kreca and account balances, such as Shochiku entertainment leaving duo dissolved the former cohabiting women Othello Nakajima a reunion news breaking disgusting Chu version (04 / 02) confrontation by 2ch [conclusion] Chu Edition nasty breaking news (29 / 03) [AKB48] Tomomi Kasai Amagi debut anniversary tour, etc to show off six hours"hospitality"by 2ch [conclusion] news breaking disgusting Chu version (29 / 03)"クビ切り liberalization Act"
Center of debate, Abe Prime Minister employment system reform began to move to enact monetary dismissal rules established by 2ch [conclusion] money maker ONE PIECE author ODA Eiichiro's sudden illness at 2ch [conclusion] extremely strong by breaking disgusting Chu Edition news breaking disgusting Chu Edition (03 / 24) (03 / 24)Around the official residence of the "TPP opponents or opposition political parties close to the Chinese and pro-China forces is no accident that" 2ch [conclusion] by anime voice actors end news breaking disgusting Chu (03 / 22) popular animated fairytale ending Aya Hirano's--Department Office "only major areas voiced" 2ch [conclusion] by Tan with news breaking disgusting Chu Edition (03 / 21) song-Yun, smile & hair haircut!
2ch [conclusion] by breaking disgusting Chu Edition (03 / 21) favorite site showbiz rumors News What's new!
Mono works:: life VIP craftsman Navi www juvenile crime データベースドア economy column magazine new to century big brother's blog: Tetsuya Watanabe ( Director detached former representative ◆ jJEom8Ii3E ) painfully absurd entertainment SCOOP News (é ∀ ') DEEP entertainment _ _ ranking participation in popular burogurankingu fc2 burogurankingu RDF Site Summary RSS 2.0 Seesaa blog

Radiation protection please ☆ consultation thank you ♪

Earth アロマライフシスターズプレゼンツ ♪ and Ulises ☆! & no desire et done NAA you hanging et at Yumi Oh Osaka tsuruhashi ぃふ ☆ sister Salon Ulises radioactivity protection experience consultation per person join us society customers! Thank you (^ O ^) / per customer and paid? Osaka's unique situation, so let poking around.... Physical condition is OK dear? But is it threatens another try too.... Yesterday we tanemoto's farewell to Shin-Osaka Station at Shin-Osaka Station Cafe and sister anymore I wonder is back come more and more rigidly are spending a couple of hours of and went back (´ Д ';) poisonous radioactive cesium trapped in the myocardium, strontium it collects in the brain. So cesium from breathing says Oh that I commonly understood sense goes tense between myocardial.... Anything using caesium as contrast agents for heart also I'm so.... Cannot excrete rapidly accumulating, and myocardium stiff and it would say it suddenly stops one day heart symptoms. Oil there is working and so on resuscitation of septic loosening myocardial heart tonic and assist excretion of blood plasma reactive oxygen species excretion DNA repair nerve cleansing nerves. Please give listening to whether changes in your own body!.... So practice partly to whats the monitor I レジオトリートメント ♪ your participation next time therapist to make sure ↓ aroma [Earth life] レジオトリートメント one-Day Workshop in Osaka and Nagoya http://ameblo.jp/himicoco/entry-11519466239.html ■ Osaka 5 / 12 (Sunday) ■ Nagoya 5 / 26 (Sunday), time: 10: 00 17: 00-course fee: ¥ 35,000 ( *
Whole aromatherapy essential oils and 30,000 yen ) inquiries and requests here ♪ ↓ https://ssl.form-mailer.jp/fms/29cbb4fb217685 ending after tsuruhashi rice ♪ tsuruhashi's delicious sooo o come (^ ▽ ^) ヤミつき is going to be, so very tasty but I scoured the first o samgyetang is ♪ I wanted every day to eat-(-∀-) images with articles PR Tweet recent articles of the same subject

Very difficult question

Very difficult question-problem has no technical way to extinguish the radioactivity water treatment pollution is not eternal, difficult issues.
 Similar article below for recent television coverage has been. Continue to chill the reactor and 400 tonnes of radioactive contaminated water comes out one day. It to store in tanks, storage, or encased in case radioactivity not is not less, in keep long-term somewhere is. Only from municipalities still undertakes all but final storage facility has not been determined interim storage facility also at all, of course, not go lanceros Fukushima nuclear power plant site. But stop's just absolutely without increasing the limit of one day come....
 In such a story. Is a serious community conflict. Volcano 20meters decontamination only been so far from the residence. Let's turn the fields and hills are of no. So soon littered with radioactivity on the wind and rain and falling. 
 This cruel reality is.... A situation never anyone at Chernobyl than that. Anguished residents disappear, or go and do not go over. Such a situation was being broadcast on TV. Lost for words.... It should have parents with a child not go. The effects 10-emerge 20 years later. Government will not stand for never so when (what ever pollution lawsuit is a Yes).
 In this case also cannot protect children's health parent only, that the truth.

From groundwater that continues to be contaminated, damaged areas I think one reaches areas unimaginable....
*** Delivered nuclear facilities scale has been expanding after the accident, distant Fukushima Daiichi nuclear waste furnace water storage tank group, extended steadily kahoku shimpo 4/30 6:10. Large facility established after decommissioning work. Has gotten rather facility to grow despite transitional work to get rid of the nuclear power plant. New facilities (1) temporary storage facilities for dry casks to store spent fuel on behalf of multinuclear removal facilities (4) storage pool underground water reservoir (3) water storage tanks (2)-etc. Tank store a radiation-contaminated water. Size is mostly 12-meter diameter, 11 meters high, 1,000-ton capacity. Number up based on 940, arranged in tank's momentum will cover the campus. 1, Polluted water is discharged 400 tons, two and a-half tank to fill. Replace the tank storage facility is underground cistern. Maximum 60 m long, 53 m, seven 6 m depth was created. But Tokyo Electric Power Co. to stop using the water leakage problems series April. Became huge in doorstop. TEPCO was decommissioned, embarked on a anti tank into water reservoir. Prospects will be expanded more than 600 tanks, tank Group continues expansion. Multinuclear removal facilities get rid of radioactive substances from contaminated water. At 20 meters high and 60 meters breadth, covered numerous tanks and piping white tent. Temporary storage facilities for dry cask which make 95 m long, 80 m room location. 350 Hectares in the nuclear power plant site, the majority was accident before forest. Cut and urged need to ensure land facilities following the accident, and more than one-sixth of the entire site of the 60-hectare forest. Things increase the facilities related to decommissioning nuclear power plant accident in the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, built a giant concrete "sarcophagus confine the nuclear reactor". The dilapidated sarcophagus covered in iron giant domes. Former nuclear power plant worker men (57) refuge in Fukushima city "isn't some time limits that come in over water pollution is increasing, how will not have treatment facility expansion, more and more?. Facilities like continues to grow rather than convergence is feedback of displaced persons frequently "and spoke. TEPCO "with facilities for decommissioning tasks quickly and steadily.
Will need to work, "as have.
Last update: 4/30 6:10

¡Úusa¡û negotiations already between earthlings and aliens and the Government is hiding it. Extraterrestrial kicks off in Washington hearings about the existence of extraterrestrials

In the United States outside the Earth held the hearings about the existence of extraterrestrials. Carolyn cheeks-Kilpatrick Kilpatrick of Detroit is under internal investigation about the deal, said "activity of the week of fun," the Detroit News. The newspaper reported that Kilpatrick serve as Chairman on Tuesday. Kilpatrick was Democratic Congressman to 2011, from 1997 to her. Her son, former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick guilty on 24 of corruption and waited for the sentencing and with it. id = "tag0" /E1367301020016.html 27: death (abbreviation) ◆ CtG./SISYA: 2013 / 04 / 30 (Tuesday) 18:34:16.06 ID:3s+0MA/S0 in conclusion you have no grounds for true delusion, whether or not according to. From get paranoid is a nicely flatters "back". In progress there is no conspiracy theorists you from not even attempts to validate what are discharging endlessly delusional. Go read "Mu". 31: [Kyushu 85.2% electric] [Lv = 40, xxxPT] armpits (5: 1 + 0)! kab anzaki on leaf @ FREE TIBET ◆ giKoK 4gH6I:2013/04/30 (Tuesday) 18:35:09.79 ID:q852ssDT0? 2 BP (3335) nyaruko I's?. 243: Asad anniversary @ 13: 2013 / 04 / 30 (Tuesday) 20:11:43.44 ID:RgE4hJzI0 and sending up a cloud of BOSSCM and cassette Oka and the X-files NetA bringing Japan still applies of's occlusion in 245: Asad anniversary @ 13: 2013 / 04 / 30 I communicate with aliens is very fashionable (Tuesday) 20:12:05.97 ID:1NDXU9cO0 Bashar's too and also can communicate with aliens true how could prove that it? Can't prove something is true even though, being treated just delusional and not how I'm a and of course study your were you when you come, did research at NASA organization like the mess, until he'd studied next to results by screwing the Pocket shape memory alloys are quickly that leaking out between, or Japan lingerie maker I put the BRA, or used a kotatsu switch. Long came to see JAXA Research Institute NASA officials assessed here was solid they are made is kept confidential,"awesome" "can hold so much secret more than NASA has at stake, I can't (laughter", 388 NASA officials were talking scientific journals I read some years ago interview: Asad anniversary @ 13: 2013 / 04 / 30 I often hear when high doses of radiation detected from (Tuesday) 22:18:21.89 ID: /lH2RmixO UFO and alien infested place. Radioactivity drain or progress made after tens of thousands of years and extremity of the moron's too!? 392: Asad anniversary @ 13: 2013 / 04 / 30 (Tuesday) 22:21:48.30 ID:SA1z3h340 UFO I saw! Is their UFO picture is observed-I a I wish it's similar designs. Though the design is changing with the times. Somewhere in I stay imprinted figure collection la-vote 14 ニャル wax w gutto Kuru (maid) (PVC pre-painted PVC) recent comments [anime] "little busters!
~ Refrain ~ "presented by santaclaus911 (04 / 19)TV version episodes 1 momoiro clover Z is published by Mr.名無shi @ sorry 5th DIMENSION evolution of different dimensional visual impact (04 / 11) space battleship Yamato 2199 Assen 5.7% 35-49 years old divorce family (04 / 10) up by "Big Daddy" individuals viewership, "discrete family" by (04 / 08) NTT "once you have this app point." → 30000 entries → criticism flooded by eels (04 / 02) → danger of sending all your PIN kreca and account balances, such as [corporal ] Cartwright's Osaka evessa erupted in Chicago Bulls to continuously support cherry high basketball Palace reconstruction guidance by sunflower et me Oh South port on board ticket sale Office / occult and pseudoscience by eel observed with suspicion written death threats in the Faw transportation co. (02 / 12) [social] comic market if 30-year-old man involved in the arrest operation remote incident (02 / 11).
Why be deceived? by UGG UGG Hawaii Hawaii (12 / 01) pseudoscience and occultism.
Why be deceived? occult and pseudoscience by AG store (12 / 01).
Why be deceived? by UGG (12 / 01) pseudoscience and occultism.
Why be deceived? by UGG UGG Hawaii Hawaii (12 / 01) pseudoscience and occultism.
Why be deceived? by UGG Rakuten UGG Rakuten UGG Rakuten (12 / 01) pseudoscience and occultism.
Why be deceived? occult and pseudoscience by UGG UGG Hawaii Hawaii (11 / 30)...
Why be deceived? occult and pseudoscience by UGG Rakuten UGG Rakuten UGG Rakuten (11 / 30)...
Why be deceived? occult and pseudoscience by UGG Rakuten UGG Rakuten UGG Rakuten (11 / 30)...
Why be deceived? occult and pseudoscience by UGG 5815 (11 / 29).
Why be deceived? occult and pseudoscience by UGG 1873 10 (11 / 29).
Why be deceived? occult and pseudoscience by UGG genuine (11 / 29).
Why be deceived? occult and pseudoscience by UGG Rakuten UGG Rakuten UGG Rakuten (11 / 29).
Why be deceived? Trackback by UGG Rakuten UGG Rakuten UGG Rakuten (11 / 29) recent Mayor Oita declared full support for Leonardo DiCaprio, Rino sashihara in AKB general election vote city employees and citizens, including calls by AKB48 video Theater so-NET Center (04 / 13) "Kuroda market raids" overseas... breaking new mitigation Bank "cataclysmic event" 2ch [conclusion] by NTT news breaking disgusting Chu Edition (04 / 05) " I gave points once you have the app "→ 30000 apply criticism flooded by 2ch [conclusion] → danger of sending all your PIN kreca and account balances, such as Shochiku entertainment leaving duo dissolved the former cohabiting women Othello Nakajima a reunion news breaking disgusting Chu version (04 / 02) confrontation by 2ch [conclusion] Chu Edition nasty breaking news (29 / 03) [AKB48] Tomomi Kasai Amagi debut anniversary tour, etc to show off six hours"hospitality"by 2ch [conclusion] news breaking disgusting Chu version (29 / 03)"クビ切り liberalization Act"
Center of debate, Abe Prime Minister employment system reform began to move to enact monetary dismissal rules established by 2ch [conclusion] money maker ONE PIECE author ODA Eiichiro's sudden illness at 2ch [conclusion] extremely strong by breaking disgusting Chu Edition news breaking disgusting Chu Edition (03 / 24) (03 / 24)Around the official residence of the "TPP opponents or opposition political parties close to the Chinese and pro-China forces is no accident that" 2ch [conclusion] by anime voice actors end news breaking disgusting Chu (03 / 22) popular animated fairytale ending Aya Hirano's--Department Office "only major areas voiced" 2ch [conclusion] by Tan with news breaking disgusting Chu Edition (03 / 21) song-Yun, smile & hair haircut!
2ch [conclusion] by breaking disgusting Chu Edition (03 / 21) favorite site showbiz rumors News What's new!
Mono works:: life VIP craftsman Navi www juvenile crime データベースドア economy column magazine new to century big brother's blog: Tetsuya Watanabe ( Director detached former representative ◆ jJEom8Ii3E ) painfully absurd entertainment SCOOP News (é ∀ ') DEEP entertainment _ _ ranking participation in popular burogurankingu fc2 burogurankingu RDF Site Summary RSS 2.0 Seesaa blog

Radiation protection please ☆ consultation thank you ♪

Earth アロマライフシスターズプレゼンツ ♪ and Ulises ☆! & no desire et done NAA you hanging et at Yumi Oh Osaka tsuruhashi ぃふ ☆ sister Salon Ulises radioactivity protection experience consultation per person join us society customers! Thank you (^ O ^) / per customer and paid? Osaka's unique situation, so let poking around.... Physical condition is OK dear? But is it threatens another try too.... Yesterday we tanemoto's farewell to Shin-Osaka Station at Shin-Osaka Station Cafe and sister anymore I wonder is back come more and more rigidly are spending a couple of hours of and went back (´ Д ';) poisonous radioactive cesium trapped in the myocardium, strontium it collects in the brain. So cesium from breathing says Oh that I commonly understood sense goes tense between myocardial.... Anything using caesium as contrast agents for heart also I'm so.... Cannot excrete rapidly accumulating, and myocardium stiff and it would say it suddenly stops one day heart symptoms. Oil there is working and so on resuscitation of septic loosening myocardial heart tonic and assist excretion of blood plasma reactive oxygen species excretion DNA repair nerve cleansing nerves. Please give listening to whether changes in your own body!.... So practice partly to whats the monitor I レジオトリートメント ♪ your participation next time therapist to make sure ↓ aroma [Earth life] レジオトリートメント one-Day Workshop in Osaka and Nagoya http://ameblo.jp/himicoco/entry-11519466239.html ■ Osaka 5 / 12 (Sunday) ■ Nagoya 5 / 26 (Sunday), time: 10: 00 17: 00-course fee: ¥ 35,000 ( *
Whole aromatherapy essential oils and 30,000 yen ) inquiries and requests here ♪ ↓ https://ssl.form-mailer.jp/fms/29cbb4fb217685 ending after tsuruhashi rice ♪ tsuruhashi's delicious sooo o come (^ ▽ ^) ヤミつき is going to be, so very tasty but I scoured the first o samgyetang is ♪ I wanted every day to eat-(-∀-) images with articles PR Tweet recent articles of the same subject

Very difficult question

Very difficult question-problem has no technical way to extinguish the radioactivity water treatment pollution is not eternal, difficult issues.
 Similar article below for recent television coverage has been. Continue to chill the reactor and 400 tonnes of radioactive contaminated water comes out one day. It to store in tanks, storage, or encased in case radioactivity not is not less, in keep long-term somewhere is. Only from municipalities still undertakes all but final storage facility has not been determined interim storage facility also at all, of course, not go lanceros Fukushima nuclear power plant site. But stop's just absolutely without increasing the limit of one day come....
 In such a story. Is a serious community conflict. Volcano 20meters decontamination only been so far from the residence. Let's turn the fields and hills are of no. So soon littered with radioactivity on the wind and rain and falling. 
 This cruel reality is.... A situation never anyone at Chernobyl than that. Anguished residents disappear, or go and do not go over. Such a situation was being broadcast on TV. Lost for words.... It should have parents with a child not go. The effects 10-emerge 20 years later. Government will not stand for never so when (what ever pollution lawsuit is a Yes).
 In this case also cannot protect children's health parent only, that the truth.

From groundwater that continues to be contaminated, damaged areas I think one reaches areas unimaginable....
*** Delivered nuclear facilities scale has been expanding after the accident, distant Fukushima Daiichi nuclear waste furnace water storage tank group, extended steadily kahoku shimpo 4/30 6:10. Large facility established after decommissioning work. Has gotten rather facility to grow despite transitional work to get rid of the nuclear power plant. New facilities (1) temporary storage facilities for dry casks to store spent fuel on behalf of multinuclear removal facilities (4) storage pool underground water reservoir (3) water storage tanks (2)-etc. Tank store a radiation-contaminated water. Size is mostly 12-meter diameter, 11 meters high, 1,000-ton capacity. Number up based on 940, arranged in tank's momentum will cover the campus. 1, Polluted water is discharged 400 tons, two and a-half tank to fill. Replace the tank storage facility is underground cistern. Maximum 60 m long, 53 m, seven 6 m depth was created. But Tokyo Electric Power Co. to stop using the water leakage problems series April. Became huge in doorstop. TEPCO was decommissioned, embarked on a anti tank into water reservoir. Prospects will be expanded more than 600 tanks, tank Group continues expansion. Multinuclear removal facilities get rid of radioactive substances from contaminated water. At 20 meters high and 60 meters breadth, covered numerous tanks and piping white tent. Temporary storage facilities for dry cask which make 95 m long, 80 m room location. 350 Hectares in the nuclear power plant site, the majority was accident before forest. Cut and urged need to ensure land facilities following the accident, and more than one-sixth of the entire site of the 60-hectare forest. Things increase the facilities related to decommissioning nuclear power plant accident in the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, built a giant concrete "sarcophagus confine the nuclear reactor". The dilapidated sarcophagus covered in iron giant domes. Former nuclear power plant worker men (57) refuge in Fukushima city "isn't some time limits that come in over water pollution is increasing, how will not have treatment facility expansion, more and more?. Facilities like continues to grow rather than convergence is feedback of displaced persons frequently "and spoke. TEPCO "with facilities for decommissioning tasks quickly and steadily.
Will need to work, "as have.
Last update: 4/30 6:10

"Film a desired country.

The folks who support click on articles, thank you. m (_ _) bestowed the click lots of m people, I thank sincerely. During the Golden Week 3 days had booked the hot yoga lessons in a row is three days, were finally frustrated. (Wry smile) consume a point instead of waiting, would visit the neighborhood movie theater, came to watch free movies. «Service day even though you can cinema was crowded so. Buy advance tickets, you guys? I think people believe it or not, less than 1800 yen, watching the movie is not punishment.
D age groups was so it JPY 2000 service used in your spouse. After watching the same 11/2 that. What is an abstract title again. Notes record the title piece after watching date which I appreciated and even could not recall the contents of this work.
 Finally remembered, relying on movie site depends on. This film is the work of Director Sono (そのしおん). I like the works of sono and watch the pieces such as "cold fish film", film "Themis" and "the sin of love' in the past.
 Sono's work is often express the ultimate human emotion, be overwhelmed every time. However, say in such a meaning is a little different. Extends from the border will end up feeling like don't hesitate.
 As sono will have been taken great theme since the movie "Themis" but this film about the earthquake, among other things, nuclear power plants are direct approach for disaster movie "Themis" engaged indirect approaches to. Changdao County nuclear power plants operating in this film and an earthquake occurs in the fictional province that nuclear radiation is set. Elderly couple lives in a delicate area 20 kilometers of border is people who live within 20 miles from a nuclear power facility issued the evacuation order, decide to not evacuate.
 But I lived with the elderly couple and family shelter and working outward. Is portrayed in this movie questions to the ambiguities caused when trying to follow the rules. But the people who live within 20 miles from the plant was evacuated, people from the Government if people living within 20 miles just to delineated inexorably. If I'm working at City Hall even strictly speaking not included within 20 kilometers you will shelter. But I wonder if people who live in areas not under evacuation and provisionally issued such instructions even if we evacuate people next to each other, how should I do. Should take the border when visiting the uninhabited is?.
 To appear in his Office people respond to mechanical people attitude to faithfully follow the rule which it was. And the son married couple old couple wife Izumi is pregnant and desperately hungry children to protect. Incidentally, plays the Izumi was in kagurazaka Megumi's real wife sono. She is appeared in sono's work many times.
 Is often play the extreme character somewhere in sono's work say anything she is playing the role of women in this film, excess sensitivity to radiation; Izumi measuring the radioactivity concentration using a Geiger counter, wearing protective clothing, living. Of course, seen by people from around the eyes. But blame that Izumi would anyone. That's because they do not know whether information was flying around out there and exactly what information is correct information.
Izumi is just a practice you can do within a safe way. In the meantime, I say an elderly couple stayed in changdao County home is painted as opposed to the son and his wife. If family is a dynamic, elderly couple would be static. Elderly couple without being deceived into information and try to act on his own judgment and that. Husband of an elderly couple lives little while taking care of his wife's dementia.
 Is so beautiful that, sad last. So in retrospect, incorporates various events took place, this film to the accident triggered so I think.
Cannot find a definitive solution, were making me feel bad taste cannot be indefinitely blocking the hole somehow hole was open gaping mind, like. * Thanks lot click always everyone. m (_ _) m somehow, but I think that "East Japan earthquake can still into movies don't want" that in people viewing this film. Me into you quite a few. It might not be from people not found solutions to the East Japan earthquake yet, maybe.
So, is thus being complaint in the form of the film also made resolve as a practical matter many isn't it held too somehow overlapping realities, bad aftertaste feeling is. We participated, originally dreamed of blog books of the popular blog ranking.
Is still far from being delighted with his cheering my dreams.
The popular blog ranking philosophy and thought.

Radiation protection please ☆ consultation thank you ♪

Earth アロマライフシスターズプレゼンツ ♪ and Ulises ☆! & no desire et done NAA you hanging et at Yumi Oh Osaka tsuruhashi ぃふ ☆ sister Salon Ulises radioactivity protection experience consultation per person join us society customers! Thank you (^ O ^) / per customer and paid? Osaka's unique situation, so let poking around.... Physical condition is OK dear? But is it threatens another try too.... Yesterday we tanemoto's farewell to Shin-Osaka Station at Shin-Osaka Station Cafe and sister anymore I wonder is back come more and more rigidly are spending a couple of hours of and went back (´ Д ';) poisonous radioactive cesium trapped in the myocardium, strontium it collects in the brain. So cesium from breathing says Oh that I commonly understood sense goes tense between myocardial.... Anything using caesium as contrast agents for heart also I'm so.... Cannot excrete rapidly accumulating, and myocardium stiff and it would say it suddenly stops one day heart symptoms. Oil there is working and so on resuscitation of septic loosening myocardial heart tonic and assist excretion of blood plasma reactive oxygen species excretion DNA repair nerve cleansing nerves. Please give listening to whether changes in your own body!.... So practice partly to whats the monitor I レジオトリートメント ♪ your participation next time therapist to make sure ↓ aroma [Earth life] レジオトリートメント one-Day Workshop in Osaka and Nagoya http://ameblo.jp/himicoco/entry-11519466239.html ■ Osaka 5 / 12 (Sunday) ■ Nagoya 5 / 26 (Sunday), time: 10: 00 17: 00-course fee: ¥ 35,000 ( *
Whole aromatherapy essential oils and 30,000 yen ) inquiries and requests here ♪ ↓ https://ssl.form-mailer.jp/fms/29cbb4fb217685 ending after tsuruhashi rice ♪ tsuruhashi's delicious sooo o come (^ ▽ ^) ヤミつき is going to be, so very tasty but I scoured the first o samgyetang is ♪ I wanted every day to eat-(-∀-) images with articles PR Tweet recent articles of the same subject

Very difficult question

Very difficult question-problem has no technical way to extinguish the radioactivity water treatment pollution is not eternal, difficult issues.
 Similar article below for recent television coverage has been. Continue to chill the reactor and 400 tonnes of radioactive contaminated water comes out one day. It to store in tanks, storage, or encased in case radioactivity not is not less, in keep long-term somewhere is. Only from municipalities still undertakes all but final storage facility has not been determined interim storage facility also at all, of course, not go lanceros Fukushima nuclear power plant site. But stop's just absolutely without increasing the limit of one day come....
 In such a story. Is a serious community conflict. Volcano 20meters decontamination only been so far from the residence. Let's turn the fields and hills are of no. So soon littered with radioactivity on the wind and rain and falling. 
 This cruel reality is.... A situation never anyone at Chernobyl than that. Anguished residents disappear, or go and do not go over. Such a situation was being broadcast on TV. Lost for words.... It should have parents with a child not go. The effects 10-emerge 20 years later. Government will not stand for never so when (what ever pollution lawsuit is a Yes).
 In this case also cannot protect children's health parent only, that the truth.

From groundwater that continues to be contaminated, damaged areas I think one reaches areas unimaginable....
*** Delivered nuclear facilities scale has been expanding after the accident, distant Fukushima Daiichi nuclear waste furnace water storage tank group, extended steadily kahoku shimpo 4/30 6:10. Large facility established after decommissioning work. Has gotten rather facility to grow despite transitional work to get rid of the nuclear power plant. New facilities (1) temporary storage facilities for dry casks to store spent fuel on behalf of multinuclear removal facilities (4) storage pool underground water reservoir (3) water storage tanks (2)-etc. Tank store a radiation-contaminated water. Size is mostly 12-meter diameter, 11 meters high, 1,000-ton capacity. Number up based on 940, arranged in tank's momentum will cover the campus. 1, Polluted water is discharged 400 tons, two and a-half tank to fill. Replace the tank storage facility is underground cistern. Maximum 60 m long, 53 m, seven 6 m depth was created. But Tokyo Electric Power Co. to stop using the water leakage problems series April. Became huge in doorstop. TEPCO was decommissioned, embarked on a anti tank into water reservoir. Prospects will be expanded more than 600 tanks, tank Group continues expansion. Multinuclear removal facilities get rid of radioactive substances from contaminated water. At 20 meters high and 60 meters breadth, covered numerous tanks and piping white tent. Temporary storage facilities for dry cask which make 95 m long, 80 m room location. 350 Hectares in the nuclear power plant site, the majority was accident before forest. Cut and urged need to ensure land facilities following the accident, and more than one-sixth of the entire site of the 60-hectare forest. Things increase the facilities related to decommissioning nuclear power plant accident in the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, built a giant concrete "sarcophagus confine the nuclear reactor". The dilapidated sarcophagus covered in iron giant domes. Former nuclear power plant worker men (57) refuge in Fukushima city "isn't some time limits that come in over water pollution is increasing, how will not have treatment facility expansion, more and more?. Facilities like continues to grow rather than convergence is feedback of displaced persons frequently "and spoke. TEPCO "with facilities for decommissioning tasks quickly and steadily.
Will need to work, "as have.
Last update: 4/30 6:10

"Film a desired country.

The folks who support click on articles, thank you. m (_ _) bestowed the click lots of m people, I thank sincerely. During the Golden Week 3 days had booked the hot yoga lessons in a row is three days, were finally frustrated. (Wry smile) consume a point instead of waiting, would visit the neighborhood movie theater, came to watch free movies. «Service day even though you can cinema was crowded so. Buy advance tickets, you guys? I think people believe it or not, less than 1800 yen, watching the movie is not punishment.
D age groups was so it JPY 2000 service used in your spouse. After watching the same 11/2 that. What is an abstract title again. Notes record the title piece after watching date which I appreciated and even could not recall the contents of this work.
 Finally remembered, relying on movie site depends on. This film is the work of Director Sono (そのしおん). I like the works of sono and watch the pieces such as "cold fish film", film "Themis" and "the sin of love' in the past.
 Sono's work is often express the ultimate human emotion, be overwhelmed every time. However, say in such a meaning is a little different. Extends from the border will end up feeling like don't hesitate.
 As sono will have been taken great theme since the movie "Themis" but this film about the earthquake, among other things, nuclear power plants are direct approach for disaster movie "Themis" engaged indirect approaches to. Changdao County nuclear power plants operating in this film and an earthquake occurs in the fictional province that nuclear radiation is set. Elderly couple lives in a delicate area 20 kilometers of border is people who live within 20 miles from a nuclear power facility issued the evacuation order, decide to not evacuate.
 But I lived with the elderly couple and family shelter and working outward. Is portrayed in this movie questions to the ambiguities caused when trying to follow the rules. But the people who live within 20 miles from the plant was evacuated, people from the Government if people living within 20 miles just to delineated inexorably. If I'm working at City Hall even strictly speaking not included within 20 kilometers you will shelter. But I wonder if people who live in areas not under evacuation and provisionally issued such instructions even if we evacuate people next to each other, how should I do. Should take the border when visiting the uninhabited is?.
 To appear in his Office people respond to mechanical people attitude to faithfully follow the rule which it was. And the son married couple old couple wife Izumi is pregnant and desperately hungry children to protect. Incidentally, plays the Izumi was in kagurazaka Megumi's real wife sono. She is appeared in sono's work many times.
 Is often play the extreme character somewhere in sono's work say anything she is playing the role of women in this film, excess sensitivity to radiation; Izumi measuring the radioactivity concentration using a Geiger counter, wearing protective clothing, living. Of course, seen by people from around the eyes. But blame that Izumi would anyone. That's because they do not know whether information was flying around out there and exactly what information is correct information.
Izumi is just a practice you can do within a safe way. In the meantime, I say an elderly couple stayed in changdao County home is painted as opposed to the son and his wife. If family is a dynamic, elderly couple would be static. Elderly couple without being deceived into information and try to act on his own judgment and that. Husband of an elderly couple lives little while taking care of his wife's dementia.
 Is so beautiful that, sad last. So in retrospect, incorporates various events took place, this film to the accident triggered so I think.
Cannot find a definitive solution, were making me feel bad taste cannot be indefinitely blocking the hole somehow hole was open gaping mind, like. * Thanks lot click always everyone. m (_ _) m somehow, but I think that "East Japan earthquake can still into movies don't want" that in people viewing this film. Me into you quite a few. It might not be from people not found solutions to the East Japan earthquake yet, maybe.
So, is thus being complaint in the form of the film also made resolve as a practical matter many isn't it held too somehow overlapping realities, bad aftertaste feeling is. We participated, originally dreamed of blog books of the popular blog ranking.
Is still far from being delighted with his cheering my dreams.
The popular blog ranking philosophy and thought.

Yomiuri newspaper editorials are no longer weird?

 And uranium in Fukui Prefecture Kansai Electric power Takahama nuclear power plant No.3 ( MOX plutonium mixed oxide fuel goes to Japan via sea from France.
 Arriving in June.
 After the accident of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant Tokyo electric power's first transport. Japan pursued a nuclear fuel cycle programme as part of the energy policy. It's a reuse uranium and plutonium extracted from spent nuclear fuel for nuclear power plants.
 The pillar in the use of MOX fuel.
 Nuclear fuel cycle offers advantages such as the reduction of the amount of radioactive waste and uranium resources. Plutonium has become material for nuclear weapons.
 Still not available, can lead to unnecessary suspicion at home and abroad.
 Kanden is certainly used MOX fuel transport. Because large processing facilities in Japan, has commissioned the reprocessing spent nuclear fuel to France and the United Kingdom.
 Amount of plutonium already extracted more than 20 tons. Nude and also France and Britain cannot. Depot is a matter of international good faith.
 Plutonium can be the responsibility of Japan. Increased the Democratic Party stopped the most primary and no prospects remain hammer out strategy "nuclear-free" after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant accident such a mess.
 Nuclear fuel cycle programs also targeted a radical revision. Discussions aren't going in the Abe administration.
 Plutonium is no knowing at this rate. Japan nuclear fuel reprocessing plant close up is in Rokkasho, Aomori completed, usage also not decided.
 Should consider the Government as soon as possible. There without nuclear weapons, countries established an advanced reprocessing technology is no Japan.
 Abandoned technology made it out alive or not easily. First is what can rework the safe nuclear power plant based on what is need to determine whether is.
 Nuclear Regulatory Commission must hurry safety checks.
 Attitude of the regulatory Committee on the reprocessing plant have a problem.
 Safety checks not yet in this factory is a process to solidify highly radioactive waste into glass.
 Occurs in the testing process, cemented effluent storage tank is safe is much Regulatory Commission has no need to move factory for a while and have verification until later. 10-Regulatory Commission not aware of their roles and responsibilities is not or.

Steadily promote the improvement of the safety of the duties of the Regulatory Affairs Committee.
Ask what all this newspaper United States transparent at all times. it is very strange.
Think once moved Rokkasho would be very difficult to know everyone already.
But the tritium issue even in present Fukushima Daiichi and flow into the sea
Is good is released into remains of even that.
(Due to budget constraints it's) how much Hanford area for British Sea be contaminated or...
Spent nuclear fuel this Japan cannot disposal at U.S. nuclear power plants far from Japan, from now
Is a story that, might end up in the landfill.
Installation even born: male/o type Favorites send additional messages to registered friends registered senders popularity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 measuring pet food monitoring post soil survey food image list notice primary search latest posts list (1543) talk measurement measuring room ready to Welcome!
Wood cooking wine sweets homemade farm food landscape mobile sales vehicles do not いぬねこ live stage cooking classroom music effectors WAVpedalGuitar Fret Work solders and capacitors homebrew PICKUP Isuzu until related bikes commented last haze homebrew PICKUP applied guitar amp amplifier bias adjustment FireFly AMP production motorcycle leather craft fishing vote the latest posts list---------- guitar & effects related--------------not registered in any other standard groups--display the widget JavaScript must enabled 。
How to change JavaScript visitors blog link 41219640 032 01849 trackbacks comments 00 mobile version of Yahoo visitors history friends! access blog!
( Yahoo!! in JAPAN ID login required ) blog links, registration / deletion

Yomiuri newspaper editorials are no longer weird?

 And uranium in Fukui Prefecture Kansai Electric power Takahama nuclear power plant No.3 ( MOX plutonium mixed oxide fuel goes to Japan via sea from France.
 Arriving in June.
 After the accident of the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant Tokyo electric power's first transport. Japan pursued a nuclear fuel cycle programme as part of the energy policy. It's a reuse uranium and plutonium extracted from spent nuclear fuel for nuclear power plants.
 The pillar in the use of MOX fuel.
 Nuclear fuel cycle offers advantages such as the reduction of the amount of radioactive waste and uranium resources. Plutonium has become material for nuclear weapons.
 Still not available, can lead to unnecessary suspicion at home and abroad.
 Kanden is certainly used MOX fuel transport. Because large processing facilities in Japan, has commissioned the reprocessing spent nuclear fuel to France and the United Kingdom.
 Amount of plutonium already extracted more than 20 tons. Nude and also France and Britain cannot. Depot is a matter of international good faith.
 Plutonium can be the responsibility of Japan. Increased the Democratic Party stopped the most primary and no prospects remain hammer out strategy "nuclear-free" after the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant accident such a mess.
 Nuclear fuel cycle programs also targeted a radical revision. Discussions aren't going in the Abe administration.
 Plutonium is no knowing at this rate. Japan nuclear fuel reprocessing plant close up is in Rokkasho, Aomori completed, usage also not decided.
 Should consider the Government as soon as possible. There without nuclear weapons, countries established an advanced reprocessing technology is no Japan.
 Abandoned technology made it out alive or not easily. First is what can rework the safe nuclear power plant based on what is need to determine whether is.
 Nuclear Regulatory Commission must hurry safety checks.
 Attitude of the regulatory Committee on the reprocessing plant have a problem.
 Safety checks not yet in this factory is a process to solidify highly radioactive waste into glass.
 Occurs in the testing process, cemented effluent storage tank is safe is much Regulatory Commission has no need to move factory for a while and have verification until later. 10-Regulatory Commission not aware of their roles and responsibilities is not or.

Steadily promote the improvement of the safety of the duties of the Regulatory Affairs Committee.
Ask what all this newspaper United States transparent at all times. it is very strange.
Think once moved Rokkasho would be very difficult to know everyone already.
But the tritium issue even in present Fukushima Daiichi and flow into the sea
Is good is released into remains of even that.
(Due to budget constraints it's) how much Hanford area for British Sea be contaminated or...
Spent nuclear fuel this Japan cannot disposal at U.S. nuclear power plants far from Japan, from now
Is a story that, might end up in the landfill.
Installation even born: male/o type Favorites send additional messages to registered friends registered senders popularity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 measuring pet food monitoring post soil survey food image list notice primary search latest posts list (1543) talk measurement measuring room ready to Welcome!
Wood cooking wine sweets homemade farm food landscape mobile sales vehicles do not いぬねこ live stage cooking classroom music effectors WAVpedalGuitar Fret Work solders and capacitors homebrew PICKUP Isuzu until related bikes commented last haze homebrew PICKUP applied guitar amp amplifier bias adjustment FireFly AMP production motorcycle leather craft fishing vote the latest posts list---------- guitar & effects related--------------not registered in any other standard groups--display the widget JavaScript must enabled 。
How to change JavaScript visitors blog link 38219637 032 01849 trackbacks comments 00 mobile version of Yahoo visitors history friends! access blog!
( Yahoo!! in JAPAN ID login required ) blog links, registration / deletion

4/30/2013 Tweets

1 Line but slated for cancellation, from FOMA to Xi or not from DoCoMo! change the DM's coming: though is I feel I was being bailed out, such as artisan temperament and did what ひとむかし prior to action style now with communication disabilities, such as Jackson Browne's. "Tanner / bed / bath" or "man shut up Breweries ' like a guy. Guys at the time from "talk, talk and! "I meant to say that we...: red flag over land expropriation of Nerima Internet talk"wrest land from generation to generation is not possible"or wrote involuntarily shot I'm w Communist depending more truck traffic and office workers suffer from the commuter rush in trouble-right bourgeois rich farmer friend's paste link without reading w: landing squarely on the appropriate comment only emoticons are. Don't read their followers also linked to spinal cord reflex to RT. I don't know them, what you want (´-ω-') @sys2_Suiren: RT @ snishika 23: au support is bad if I heal you? RT @ au_support yikes. Sumaho wrong! So smartphone auto diagnosis was easy I diagnostic ☆ button tap diagnose the State of the sumaho, he wants to restore if needed also.

1. Stranger in 23 wards in street non-smoking ban, enforcement outside of many that's no-: to いなかもの coming to Tokyo for the first time 23 undesirable is ごはっと smoke cigarettes while with the: "Hey, frequently accused other companies keep terrible advertises →"watami"Monterosa I → fish people,"feast,""drop,"and I'm. It's Sue, B'z was plagiarized. : Monte Rosa "lol" is "Creepy Crawly square ' of Nintendo objections: students have staring a suspicious face White Board in yesterday's math class. And ask "Sir, the" denominator キムラ ' is what is?

"キムラ well Hey" pay ".
@sys2_Suiren: RT @ Ch5_lgtkb: Oh yeah I found this website URL @ sys2_Suiren it-done is via: Akane Isshiki's Sakura ayane. Audio commentary right now, last time the recording ended.
Everyone, for a peaceful sleep. "But yeah, kinda embarrassing sleeping ☆ premieres of three musical groups. I want everyone to see that cum (> _ <) 3rd...: dancers seniors "ya'll I'm always watching from behind, I thought I'll care enough there might not? "Followed by your sermon time after school: so many inquiries that hard turn Daisuke FYI.

And so purposely put the transfer before it is except the first one are all coming out in Japan in turn's clockwise turns on Hahahahahaha into weight shifting (a left foot if right-handed), leg before turn the rotating enough times. Tribe and USB memory herointerview is also of chance. (DDR2nd special reprint comics (including gay-friendly) I bought: getting along with Islam Inoki.

Inose's hated Islam. : Let's go RX1 or I'm coming to the confectionery Exposition, Nagasaki Prefectural Exhibition corner feel the crazy XZ-2-2013-04-30 guy so to judo in to @ maples_qma: class 18:09:17 if I change into class men's Kisei takes a long hard watching me "you uterus I was about a NAA..." or Metro Monte Rosa and today highlights Nintendo in Germany retail giant Metro UI for Windows 8 in issue, MS squirming out she is
Changed the Modern UI AG, challenged the results of a 同じっぽい
@sys2_Suiren: RT @ slashdotjp: URL # Dang Nintendo Nintendo #nintendo Nintendo and Wii U "squirming square" of objection allegations spacia genuine navigation system is Clarion or non trademark by the original pub chains lol lol that "Wa assists Istanbul Olympic Games candidate cities for the year 2020!"

I don't know this is unbranded models than 50000 high or via: Wacom Cintiq 22HD Touch announced the 10 point multi-touch at 248000 circle: Internet chicks hinamizawa syndrome and every discourse of the Internet myself Dis cum after carrying out looks like and repeated blocks and アンフレンド each other praise-Yi in a companion fits well sharpened and touch things hurt all and finally by fire explosion such as circle in love in that. : Out of some company Glucosamine CM, Tohoku University Professor "is three times the rate of absorption of! "Or Professor talking listen carefully though out subtitles, and lines like"I think different about 3 times", right corner peek! smaller" personal impressions "or he absorbed the importance of titles in the world have been written, I feel exactly what I saw somewhere in the sense of: Akiba Blog (blog akiha Hara): Circle 1 grinded stone of the travel x clerk to explain"parallel, large serving and special Sheng"to foreign tourists in road battle: Aru gyudon's INITIAL P 1 initial D dvdrip tank"

NORMAL and HYPER-ANOTHER "I say ' bats struck tea. : Team's neat, please work from the afternoon to Hello work continues's 畜さん team / furnishings! /
???????????? ??

▲?▲?▲?▲?▲?? main character: Guy @sys2_Suiren: RT @ karashichan: Twitter game den at setting "STEINS; GATE "of new stories appeared @ sys2_Suiren: RT @ moja_cos: Super offended must fashion the Putin seal URL @ sys2_Suiren: RT @ shiina_fumiharu: dude NHK soul gem would have a thing in URL @ sys2_Suiren: RT @ _ng 4: unexpected and poignant. URL: Margaret Thatcher was a tank road player also known, was the head of State, even though, has competed in international competitions. This time competed in the tournament held in Germany as United Kingdom representative be (lie: "looks underage illegal" If you pass "gangster fashion debunking vs. law enforcement works" or "speed that's so caught speeding on" "unreasonable she is a bearded thief thieves" and like unlimited think spirit is you can look up people around...: when I'm watching TV sister "Oh, 00-. "Mother" he Homo?! "father"is that so?"sister" Yeah, feeling bad-"mother" Kora.
Gotta do not say such things... " My father ".
That's right... "
Is once in a while if parents here Chira seen, but I've coterie magazines is yard...: company names should be noted (Beginner) various "Canon" and "QP" Fuji Film "Sanwa shutter": my son and nephew had a pretend restaurant, order "ask specials" "chicken!"? Kore came. : Inose apology on NHK news. Inose-bashing is what I'm here essentially are.
Results leave it except the passage here and singling out the speculation as well to determine the information you aren't expecting to hear a lot.
: Dwango co., Ltd., it is how to go up the small fishes!
An amazing effect of Nico Nico douga Super Conference! : From the eye tear off onions grown in Fukushima Prefecture.
Eye cells are destroyed by radiation? 437X400x3mm astronaut's baby, no radiation away from the Northeast Gate's Hmong tweets I saw in one of the most interesting I'm undecided yet whether either one of these two after Australia? via think that House should be build relatively people don't come and see the ocean or mountain place a NAA. When released in Japan off w with a curtain and w snake might be better if Europe and America were going for MEDIAS Pro: NEC Terrain for AT &amp; t spied in leaked press photos, packs a QWERTY keyboard-satin action pointing to a finger-San is squid CHAN to see えて @ sys2_Suiren: RT @ androidsola: is てんさん URL @ sys2_Suiren: RT @ kobax 27 Next to cried the moment I saw the URL: cute recently at Toys r us toys like-, off to see this factory @ sys2_Suiren: RT @ toshitom 2: driver's license be returned. Get off from the vehicle.

URL (retailers) where Cosima's: pet shop sign "mezase industry from" I egui is written: U.S. diagnostic Guide to Asperger's syndrome disappear after 19 years in the revised-Asahi newspaper digital: GoogleIME, "made you" of → this guy comes in the conversion Tomohito (° д °) o!
: (Home phone) presents man "Yes" against "the introduction of new insurance..." Guy "I'm busy now so what is your home phone number.
Call back later "opponent" is your home number but hey... " Man "I don't want to call home? "Against"Yes"man" so my feelings...: train in the jk "much higher black slave ship came out of world history than Japan train ride of mildew? "8:05 Was a moment looking at people inside the car were turned to jk to see: I try"dating"opponents"sorry, physiologically impossible"I"theoretically possible"_ people people people people _ &gt; can theoretically be" ¯ Y ^ Y ^ Y ^ Y ^ Y ^ Y ^ Y ^ Y ¯: don't choose words media more than Japan's general theory upon the reporting from Western media. Write without mercy.
< Said suspected inose Governor criticized the Olympics attract rival rice paper coverage and coverage, IOC beware situation. : Remember in the NY Times on the incident's article 10 years ago. Featured comic scenes and analyzed "is desire to rape women in Japan". Foreign Ministry harshly protested to desecrate any woman. Correspondents would like their articles heavily in their own country be treated.
Article...: New York Times article on Governor inose Turkey insulted Zidane, expressed "full confidence to post".
It has interviewed at least two reporters speaking Japan language ability interpreters provided by inose have talked a citation in the article, the recordings have been.
So 詰み.
http: / /... @ sys2_Suiren: Peel via

"Heaven and Earth in"

4 / 30 / 2013 (Tuesday) at 10: 45 at flute playing etc music tweets so... sang wonderful songs, lots of hair was to qi is still around.
Kite Hokkaido accent, you're following very clean voice, told me sing a lovely singing voice.
Yet the poop without is.
1000 Spring even now Mr song love it!
Song was hate what is...?
(Lol) that I つるんじ and the odd politician Hokkaido atmosphere... likes a I ~.
Heaven and Earth Ocarina playing time, 1000 spring and chimps who are in Facebook and... everyone happy talk about hair. 1000 Spring Mr said... "he they perch...!
"And anyway.
This is off topic and chimpy's was the highest rain Subaru (あますばる) in a joint concert Facebook. You can see?
And is Subaru's chimps docking "shelter" and Facebook.
Lol definitely!! ( pasting together, here is "radioactive" is subtle words come out... ) causes fell secret card-exam.info credit cards through tweets credit screening?
How anxious people have cards = &gt; same day 'publishing / partnership with Hokkaido, some Poles before kombu'!
soft park19.wakwak.com ー not okras poles before kelp Koshihikari rice Brown rice miso.
Inventory clearance sale event! sakanadamart.NET Marine Manufacturers present.
Hokkaido seafood, inventory clearance sale!
Ads by Yahoo! unending JAPAN-and sky-wide Earth-among them ~!
Sang sang ♪ excuse sloppy, way to go! ~!
1000 Spring were youth itself.

Of that bushy hair has gone nowhere. MV Blue Sky clouds is beautiful.
As Hokkaido is like.
Never been though.

To Chan, thank you. I sang ~ ♪ it feels good!
This song.
Oh, a Chi-like fan go?.

Shouldn't we reluctantly, even good grace, round off either.
Hokkaido is a landscape photo Oh ~ but I'm not I took...
Only empty photo I got Chino will be published after approval by the organizer of blog comments by name password * trackbacks (lol) is taken in the veranda is.
http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/funzufunzu/trackback/1029724/31797997-trackback post.
No article trackback trackback ahead of earlier article.
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Film "Chernobyl reached"

Nuclear power plant accidents children grow into adults 16 years passed from the Chernobyl disaster film "Chernobyl reached' 2002 in Belarus and had babies. Influences was happening to children children who received radiation after accident... After all "was the children 's". Reflecting that fact is this movie so... has a free delivery, please come.
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Road decommissioning lazuline fukuichi

 It is tough!
     The road to decommissioning Fukushima!
Are hunch seems very likely finish measures of water pollution in 2 years will go crazy! 10 Years later start the unloading nuclear fuel from the reactor core melted but still says what really possible to do? And money is at stake which at the moment or is not certain on what time putting money on water? And the expenditure be funded through nuclear power generation cost and what?
  I guess parachuted to the bureaucrats and politicians perhaps through AREVA at public expense in taxes all Kickback subcontracting is made Bonanza and spans various beauty dish works, nuclear folks taking Fukushima procurement but can't stop laughing.
 And is seen crying always depends on our taxpayers and say it. 
Below is news reporting no prospect of decommissioning work seriousness and Tokyo electric power company related information. Contaminated water is discharged 400 tons 1, extended and distant TEPCO waste furnace roadmap for long-term roadmap progress status site situation and technical problem waste furnace roadmap for nuclear waste furnace water storage tank Group 4/30, tank of 2 and a half days to fill. Replace the tank storage facility is underground cistern. Maximum 60 m long, 53 m, seven 6 m depth was created. But Tokyo Electric Power Co. to stop using the water leakage problems series April.
 Became huge in doorstop. Multinuclear removal facilities get rid of radioactive substances from contaminated water. At 20 meters high and 60 meters breadth, covered numerous tanks and piping white tent.
 Temporary storage facilities for dry cask which make 95 m long, 80 m room location. 350 Hectares in the nuclear power plant site, the majority was accident before forest.
 Cut and urged need to ensure land facilities following the accident, and more than one-sixth of the entire site of the 60-hectare forest. Things increase the facilities related to decommissioning nuclear power plant accident in the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, built a giant concrete "sarcophagus confine the nuclear reactor".
 The dilapidated sarcophagus covered in iron giant domes. Former nuclear power plant worker men (57) refuge in Fukushima city "isn't some time limits that come in over water pollution is increasing, how will not have treatment facility expansion, more and more?.
 Facilities like continues to grow rather than convergence is feedback of displaced persons frequently "and spoke. TEPCO "with facilities for decommissioning tasks quickly and steadily.
Will need to work, "as have. 最終更新:4月30日(火)6時10分
◆汚染水対策は「最大の課題」・ 汚染水「最大の課題」 IAEA原発廃炉検証 - 福島民報(4月23日)
・ 質問なるほドリ:福島第1原発・汚染水漏れ 蒸発で削減できるの? -Daily newspapers (4/29) of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station-water processing conditions, storage.
Tokyo Electric Power Co.

Road decommissioning lazuline fukuichi

 It is tough!
     The road to decommissioning Fukushima!
Are hunch seems very likely finish measures of water pollution in 2 years will go crazy! 10 Years later start the unloading nuclear fuel from the reactor core melted but still says what really possible to do? And money is at stake which at the moment or is not certain on what time putting money on water? And the expenditure be funded through nuclear power generation cost and what?
  I guess parachuted to the bureaucrats and politicians perhaps through AREVA at public expense in taxes all Kickback subcontracting is made Bonanza and spans various beauty dish works, nuclear folks taking Fukushima procurement but can't stop laughing.
 And is seen crying always depends on our taxpayers and say it. 
Below is news reporting no prospect of decommissioning work seriousness and Tokyo electric power company related information. Contaminated water is discharged 400 tons 1, extended and distant TEPCO waste furnace roadmap for long-term roadmap progress status site situation and technical problem waste furnace roadmap for nuclear waste furnace water storage tank Group 4/30, tank of 2 and a half days to fill. Replace the tank storage facility is underground cistern. Maximum 60 m long, 53 m, seven 6 m depth was created. But Tokyo Electric Power Co. to stop using the water leakage problems series April.
 Became huge in doorstop. Multinuclear removal facilities get rid of radioactive substances from contaminated water. At 20 meters high and 60 meters breadth, covered numerous tanks and piping white tent.
 Temporary storage facilities for dry cask which make 95 m long, 80 m room location. 350 Hectares in the nuclear power plant site, the majority was accident before forest.
 Cut and urged need to ensure land facilities following the accident, and more than one-sixth of the entire site of the 60-hectare forest. Things increase the facilities related to decommissioning nuclear power plant accident in the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, built a giant concrete "sarcophagus confine the nuclear reactor".
 The dilapidated sarcophagus covered in iron giant domes. Former nuclear power plant worker men (57) refuge in Fukushima city "isn't some time limits that come in over water pollution is increasing, how will not have treatment facility expansion, more and more?.
 Facilities like continues to grow rather than convergence is feedback of displaced persons frequently "and spoke. TEPCO "with facilities for decommissioning tasks quickly and steadily.
Will need to work, "as have. 最終更新:4月30日(火)6時10分
◆汚染水対策は「最大の課題」・ 汚染水「最大の課題」 IAEA原発廃炉検証 - 福島民報(4月23日)
・ 質問なるほドリ:福島第1原発・汚染水漏れ 蒸発で削減できるの? -Daily newspapers (4/29) of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station-water processing conditions, storage.
Tokyo Electric Power Co.

Capacity over water pollution and decontamination equipment delay

According to the Chunichi Newspaper ( 4/25
Tokyo electric power Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant contaminated water already exceeding above ground tank capacity in January of this year, or original storage plan was failing.
Tokyo Electric Power Co. up contaminated water into underground reservoirs actually describing "afford a tank". A new decontamination equipment can eliminate about 60 different strontium and radioactive material production plan over 2 degrees last September and December from safety concerns is how operation postponed.
New equipment will be in Tokyo electric power company didn't prepare frozen streets and tanks to be insufficient and eventually became a direct injection of contaminated water and underground reservoirs.
The underground cistern is seems to be was put after originally purified waste water effluent, any such reason, result is to move into water, contaminated with radioactive material 6 million times compared to water purification in new equipment if underground water reservoir.
Below for details ( 4/25 Chunichi Newspaper ) to had touched structure of underground reservoir in close-up gendai, television is not detailed in newspaper articles about the underground reservoir, I saw the other day. Underground cistern is made even a sheet of bentonite, pulled high density polyethylene liner double.
Play the role of bentonite sheet containing water to easily penetrate the swelling water Weir. This leak was absorbed in the polyethylene sheet problem. So bentonite sheet was supposed to be play a role in the large Weir, bentonite sheet thickness is just six underground reservoirs if the.
believed in was 4 mm and distorted its role.
10 Years or if doing a 40 x 25 cm thickness should have prevented soil contamination.
☆ ☆ ☆ underground little reservoir created a, safety and environmental pollution such as inevitable, regrettable and was made, thinking that if. Pollution is given not only soil flowing groundwater and will eventually lead to marine pollution, introduction physical, invested more money and talent?
 It is leave a future negative inevitable at the national level is really tainted wealth.

[Fukui Chi disaster / New York Times: Japan government information sealed furnace and report the truth all over the world! / "Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant a new danger! Wrestling with the field workers highly radioactive water flood! "Japan / expert" Tokyo electric power company can't think even tomorrow! "★ because such a State, using electromagnetic waves behind the troops, like I would silence blogs rat! But yet, completely not die is!

[Fukui Chi disaster / New York Times: Japan government information sealed furnace and report the truth all over the world! / "Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant a new danger! Wrestling with the field workers highly radioactive water flood! "Japan / expert" Tokyo electric power company can't think even tomorrow! "★ because such a State, using electromagnetic waves behind the troops, like I would silence blogs rat!
 But yet, completely not die is!
    ◎ [field, Takenaka made Journal] Councillors at the National Association of Mr. Taro Yamamoto → "be stamped out and have to be one of the" ◎ [Keita Kinoshita Huang's I's blog] [Toyama rubble blocking] January pond-inhabitants of criminal complaints against billboards destruction is shadow of the violent use of force, "UN-American" sound truck.
 Articles → ◎ ★ is Onuma 4/29 with Flow of Tainted Water Is Latest Crisis at Japan Nuclear Plant articles &gt; the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant is faced with a new crisis: a flood of highly radioactive wastewater that workers are struggling to contain.
"Tepco is clearly just hanging on day by day, with no time to think about tomorrow, much less next year," said Tadashi Inoue, an expert in nuclear power who served on a committee that drew up the road map for cleaning up the plant.
7:18 Pm |
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Abe? Putin and different price!

◎ called this "rat" is "EEP" and "cattle" is "also-", "cat" is "to Zowie", "wild boar" "Chobits" and reading wild boar. ◎ ◆ 04 / 30 / 2013 compass to survive the difficult (Tuesday) 2 times writes Symphony Hall she was.

Invasion, by accident, bankruptcy and multinationals
Each end destructive even by a single element. had
From to of but it is rabidly overlay of now
In addition brandishes the optimism and spirit of it
Is nothing but mere ignorance. Symphony Hall Yukino wrote this way too.

We're playing up national resources that our children, the future
Because of trespassing the capacity, i.e. only hope
Would be inevitable destruction. Destruction is inevitable!
Of said Symphony Hall Yukino said the threat of MOSS is not.
The result of deep contemplation.
The devastating nuclear accident, serious number 10 million than people over 2 years
Though what is internal radiation, national Government had no control over Accident cum had four primary convergence is almost impossible!
Has become.
Destruction is a necessity in this nation.
Hiding the truth in the nation in the destruction process brainwashing information
Media outlets continue to sink disdain is E-.
Acts as a compass or characteristics (to judge things standard)
If you peruse the Symphony Hall Yukino's book... and the worst of Japan in advance
Hands-on learning!

Survival measures, measures in the worst situation of coming out.
During the holidays is R are absorbed in Reading Eagle because of vast characters, pages. Surprise the's book. Would you believe it!
Only 700 yen. No wonder.
It's an e-publishing. A bargain!
Now age rat, or a paper book ended's net book
From era download and read the practical training for, in any time
The Symphony Hall Yukino's electronic book ↓ is worth downloading.

http://p.booklog.jp/book/69838/read ← ( was purchased by ) ◆ 2013 / 04 / 30 (Tuesday) was cheaper to buy! Sharp plasmacluster powered air purifier.
8 Tatami mats for...,
This type uses one Eagle, turning 24 hours for 8 tatami mats
So the dust no longer even walk 20 room.
Bathing carried one hour ago bath fans strong, keep turning And bathroom "radioactivity zero space" to be.
This peace of mind is best. ◆ 2013 / 04 / 29 (Monday) 2 Abe?

Putin and different price!
But that was rolled up and played at the KGB.
Can't compete with Putin is hardly in Abe and bamboo in the duo.
Taken a poor commitment behind the closed doors of the Kremlin's the punch line trap.
And before long like the Nakasone remark "unsinkable aircraft carrier" obenchara
Would have to say in the United States..., and. Eagles numerous guests even worry about Japan's diplomacy.
Mind room is! Then www

Koriyama city, Fukushima Prefecture 訪ね歩き (No. 1215)

4 / 30 / 2013 5:28 PM Untitled practice tweets "and entitled, I put the situation of a city trip.
Exploring after I looked at Taki, Koriyama, then put the Shirakawa situation continues tour what is plan entitled "footsteps of Patriots loyalist", "footsteps of Shinsengumi", put up, then. Also during this holiday time, NHK Taiga drama is seems many travellers to ginger, Aizu-Wakamatsu. Is traveler is lost at one point radiation issues in 4/17 3:, arrived in the East ban'etsu line Koriyama from Miharu. Kōriyama station is.
Koriyama city population is about 340000.
Big-eye of the station has become a landmark in the city.
Travelled in the junior high school age 10 to name a few buddies about a year ago, when changing trains had gone up &amp; buildings and surroundings. There was here....
When he traveled the Kyoto station area as well as last week, like myself as Chair was left sitting almost bus stop, etc without a place to sit down to old, puzzled. Chairs usually have to bus stop in Tokyo.
In the city....
I stayed at this hotel close to the train station. At the hotel reception, delicious this neighborhood shop is? Told that we were taught 2 hotels, one of which was horse meat shops entered the beanery... path. Many people are drinking, was a bustling store.
Volume was... meal while drinking beer!

(1) (2) (C) (d) kaisei Park mountain, was Garden under a decreasing decontamination vacant land had been put on a radiation detector, Vicki, building, (e) Kan kaisei (6) Asaka historical Museum.
A radiation detector was seen in the trenches... small vacant lot beside the road. Open Chengshan Park is in the symbols for bfilter pioneers became the cornerstone of the development of Koriyama City civic OASIS.
Prefecture's premier cherry blossom and bloom 1300, including those planted Azumi settlers during Meiji era took place in the beginning movie ": 4 or girl kick" of was used as a filming location.
"We conduct decontamination" of takes difficult posting... effort sounds. Historical is like a building. Decontamination of the premises was carried out.
Cheers for hard work really is a customer. Prefectural specification important cultural property Meiji's Western-style wooden floors. That time is used as the Ward Office.
Article you can see the footprints of people engaged in the development of Azumi, renewed and 0/1997 public.
Save the Emperor you were closed 0/1876, 0/1881 during the Royal visit of the room. Was closed under construction were designated as nationally Asaka historical museum tour.
 Undertook big damage in the earthquake, repairs under construction.
Is a picture of the original building were being posted.
The following was a picture of the retro clock tower in Koriyama Hall heading Shirakawa are manhole covers. 
Www.jalan.net/dp/ set of tweets "flight + hotel" Fukushima travel deals a bargain because it is! "It's Orchid." in in ledgers 30 seconds up to luxury cars from Gulliver's 221616.com cheap car car easy plan search used I want secondhand car right away travel.rakuten.co.jp/package/ mph also points accumulate "Koriyama found ☆" trip if! Air ticket + hotel deals!
Ads by Yahoo "fun packs"! Hello JAPAN.
Is I do not know at all around here, things are attended, not tourism is.

See how photos look at first only.
Girl who leapt through time is a science fiction novel.
Did this flower Lavender said, junior high or high school student reading: in book learned some things.

Film was straight after.
Pochi ☆ Koriyama city also stops because a lot of well-nice Koriyama station go to Aizu-Wakamatsu, but stayed at Adachi adatara mountain climbing mountain of when there is no thing went sightseeing wakamurasaki says'd when you go to refer to during your sleep comments nice &amp; thank you. This is the first time that Northeast lived long I also strolled Koriyama thing.
Given time some precious blog kudasaimase has called on log posts was from a three-day weekend.
During the holidays is a neighborhood avoiding congestion I just walk around. Azumi pioneer at early Meiji TUKO's and lost the status of Samurai Warriors ' many engaged in the reclamation work. I feel like I learned at school I forgot. Nice one!
Thank you very much.
TK's star ☆ (specific, maybe that)'s full of attractions articles is nice.
Tourists seems back even a little Fukushima, and above all else. A hotel in "this vegetable, in Fukushima's where produced. The meat is where production "and watching bother telling?
But it was okay. From Fukushima-San, not worry no radioactivity. The meaning of sounds.
Was sorry for.

Good evening.
It is changed because every time Koriyama go Aizu-Wakamatsu nostalgia.
Sister-in-law who still lives in Wakamatsu's.
Fukushima's fruit and rice's radiation is delicious yet sorry.
Tourist's lot is better.
ナイスポチ Get off at Hamamatsu-Cho recently and saw the boy's.
I have streamers
Only because I was in a hurry was seen star who left it.
Article comment by name password http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/starth68/trackback/1551370/55529556 tracks are back.
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Apparently nowadays "loitered" seems to have become obsolete

[Grandmother activies sit で向こう in the subway, or was at any time before the man whispered in my ear. "And well, wrong?" hilt again? "in riding the subway! per to I'm not". Also not out, since I wear sneakers to Sandals instead] written by "well, happy. "(61) Chapter 2 home and modest travel (9)--(top)"loitered"seems to have become obsolete nowadays apparently now"go with my city"" "◆ sobering Picture ( Source:REUTERS-)-Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe (2nd R) inspects the honour guard during a welcoming ceremony upon his arrival at Moscow's Vnukovo airport April 28, 2013.
Japan and Russia expect to clinch up to 20 deals, launch an investment fund and reopen talks on a territorial row that has kept them from signing a peace treaty formally ending World War Two during Abe's visit to Moscow.
REUTERS/Sergei Karpukhin) dressed very strict my parents ' home. Do you want study grandparents and parents, such as never has been preaching was not.
Its either the attire checks comes into play when going to school, instead demanding a heavy. Until said fine, what Ben also made clothes that's in.
For was often being late but still bad to others looking to do seems to have ranged from moral 揺るがせざる my house is better than that. The ethos of the Edo-style dramatic scenes.
Should this ru did oblivious population is overcrowded, and half of its population in Edo Samurai class were occupying much vanity than it much mind.
Until the boy saying, until a hundred as far this habit causes change mid-although already past 50 today.
Going dead when changing her clothes many times to pass, feel the grandparents look up. Even at home, morning feel sorry for you 替えねば night and casual dress day.
Costumes also increase with age, it takes the hassle and time now so I can write one short story every day.
Thus, finally leaving the city and people dress is casual become too much.
Apparently "loitered" apparently has become obsolete nowadays.
According to my memory, why not to tighten the tie to walking along the Ginza is very rare.
Be dressed everyone favorite when the not only but especially high sill Ginza, Shibuya or Shinjuku out of downtown areas.
Before で向こう in the underground or was at any time my grandmother whispered in my ear activies of guy.
"It or not you wrong?" hilt again? "in I rode the subway I'm not" since I'm Sandals instead sneakers is went out and also not be. Personally, so preparedness also thought not in is, in spell in the Edo-style discipline.
So originally, and Tokyo's slow when of in the city."." ■ "" you or not wrong? "hilt again?" in I rode the subway I'm not "." once on recent subway in your lifetime if Grandma said Asada, the surprised passengers blocked, they faint in agony, right ridges.
In train make-up, eats something, or sitting on the floor, "loitered" sense is exactly zero.
Is that first heard the radio or something in the crowd and on the streets of Edo foot treading. was towards further had an あやまっち to the be ( careless mistake ).
Themselves busy with each other when it comes in fighting something, time-wasting is true I ping is rationalist spirit of theatergoing. Edo gesture that manners also safe walking to Edo.

Were Edo action philosophy.
Edo world's largest at the time, from the city and attracts a variety of people from all over Japan and devises ways to live better feelings to each other also in need.
-Edo gesture examples and-umbrella cocking listen each umbrella rainy day outside, and not wet pass each other like that.
◇ When pass a person walking down the street pulling the shoulder shoulder to shoulder and walk it.
-When thieves without notice visit the opponent or be late for appointments, and take away opponent time falls on Crime (crime of juryo).
-Tricky-apologize "sorry, this gets tricky was" when mistake for example their feet stepped on your opponent that keep the atmosphere of the place.
-73 Road road's got myself walking, instead of walking in the middle of remaining 7 percent keep out else of emergency, and 3% of road.
◇ scrimped on down one fist-"fist back, come later as a passenger boat in behalf of could make the seat. -Defying enumerated gesture "but", "but" and complained against shall not be. Follow the staircase from the elders words lead to human growth.
In addition, enlightening aspects of older people felt.
◇ non-smokers, non-smokers with smokers without smoking bans a bonus faucet and signs, at least in.
Edo gesture ☆ public advertising agency Edo gesture cm wet, wet live ☆☆ Edo gesture Edo gesture life ( upload date: 12 / 08 / 2007 ) [old Japanese behavior.] ☆ Asada Yujiro ( continues ) (1380dys-867ent) "well, whatever. "(SHUEISHA Bunko) ★ and happy. (SHUEISHA Bunko)-Paperback: 272 pages, Publisher: SHUEISHA (15 / 11 / 2012) now familiar in ", then", and tried to think again,. Memories of youth who loved flowers and reading. Advice to a beautiful woman who flood the streets.
How to enjoy the afternoon of shopping and travel. It's man and woman misunderstood intention about aging. Seems to be the tokyoite crisp goodness and nutritious with plenty of modern study is told a selection of topics in trendy dad looking at based on.
Author of life aesthetics sparkling, light curiously unconventional essays. For myself lol. Lol for those who. Always straightens himself out, do not forget the iron mind. Trendy, wholehearted, Yu Lady rURI and.
Asada Jiro presents other live teaching. ◎ Jiro Asada. Born in 1951 in. Continued by living with various posts such as the apparel industry was out of the army, joined the SDF, 1991, "forbid and taken!" In his debut.
Thug fiction works through 1995 "subway ride" in, Yoshikawa Eiji literary Rookie of the year award, Shibata Alchemy Saburo award, 2006 "sword" in 2000, Naoki Prize in railroad 1997"My stomach called not" in Chuo Koron literature prize and won the Yoshikawa Eiji literary prize in the Nakahara Rainbows"2008 Shiba Ryotaro Prize,.
Many works including the historical novels of the late Qing "Fafner Subaru", "Rainbow Nakahara" in addition to the historical novel and film adaptation of 含め 歴史 小説 清朝 末期 『 昴 蒼穹 の 』 、 『 虹 中原 の 』 など の の も 他 時代 小説 の に 、 映画 化 テレビ された 化 TV adaptation. And Asada's book review ", whatever. "(61) ◆ ◇ ◆ browsing ◆ ◇ ◆ ☆ Tomohiko Suzuki statement Arts spring published by"gangsters and primary Fukushima Daiichi sneaks Chronicles"(219) hardcover: 256 pages, Publisher: bungeishunju (15 / 12 / 2011) and nuclear power can make money. WH's big sing. Negotiating with the power company General contractor talk and shake the local construction shop work. Teen Crest is so get cooking. Nuclear power is a treasure house of taboo. I be 打ち出の小槌 and our underground community ".
Impact gangster speak facts. The biggest taboo in Japan is now revealed!
Life doesn't fit anyone 懸け shock nonfiction--. ★ Yakuza and primary Fukushima Daiichi sneaks Chronicles ▼ drop-down every one repeaters on chapter five primary work (37) decrease ▼ / セシウムスイカ and ostrich Hunt (4) watermelon made in unit 4, it's.
It's セシウムスイカ. ""----On this company has not changed the plant manufacturers and was evaluating its single-minded. And became the Chairman of the social partners together and even had a honeymoon relationship.
Manufacturers have this questionnaire is may know.
"On the verge of finishing report, subcontracted workers had from refrigerator freezing cum staff came out of the squid. "Watermelon made in unit 4, it's. No. 3 plant a melon new. Contaminated water is filled with around it the sky.
It brought up. セシウムスイカ "unzipped with watermelon days is hitting the asphalt.
Also on the table eating watermelon is himself pulled out and I just. Just seems to be able harvest, and raised earlier.
Watermelon was oddly sweet.
No clear influence of radioactivity. There went hunting ostriches. Even though hunt and Schuette, is the camera.
When hunt end field work ahead of time helped the company office consolidation version. "Ostriches were kept in private farms of Okuma fled the disaster, hovering around local ookuma"--"" ☆ Fukushima No. 1 nuclear debris ☆ chemical protective clothing DuPont Tyvek software type III ▼ nuclear contamination leaking is oh shit! from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power the Tokyo underground Cistern radioactive contaminated water phase then come accident is not converging leaking problem is still more than two years since the accident.
"Contaminated water is the biggest challenge," International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) also has expressed concern.
Horrible is still an unknown that construction mistakes such as multiple causes has emerged. Government nuclear liability Agency completed investment of 1000000000000 Yen to the Tokyo electric power company 7/3, mechanism is 50.11 percent of the vote dailies that were de facto nationalization.
More countries authorized to use the problem-solving.
★ ☆ ★ Fukushima tamihou: news site ◆ ◇ ◆ standing ladders read ◆ ◇ ◆ ☆ Tetsuya Takahashi 'Okinawa and Fukushima sacrificial system (SHUEISHA) ☆ (185), new book: 224 pages, Publisher: SHUEISHA (17 / 1 / 2012) and this book's theme is a sacrifice as a system of Fukushima and Okinawa. Why, Fukushima and Okinawa?
Handles are two things if you call Japan until today "defeat Japan" after defeat in 1945, these two place names built national system of Japan after World War II sacrifice system tables because they are. Okinawa in postwar Japan sacrifice I had.
It is history of the battle of OkinawaUS forces ensured Okinawa were rare and harsh combat battlefield, San Okinawa placed by Franciscan peace treaty provisions under their military administration returned to Japan in 1972, even after now still approximately 74 percent of the only U.S. military facilities nationwide are concentrated on Okinawa said the pierces this.
★ [Fukushima sacrificial system, Okinawa (SHUEISHA) ▼-Okinawa part 2 decrease ▼-irradiated Okinawa chapter Fukushima [13] and-more myths--democracy, (above) Japanese military bases kept force Okinawans to 60 years ""--need to know discussions on Okinawa 1 unconscious colonialism is "justified by the democratic principles of the Constitution of Japan rather.
Japanese continued forced U.S. bases in Okinawa people 60 years.
Japanese has been achieved through the democratic elections that hands more forced the base to Okinawans.
Imposition of Okinawans was achieved by Japanese democracy, that democracy is justified by the highest legal Constitution of Japan that seems.
In other words, until today Japanese democracy is has continued debased by those of the dictatorship from the beginning.
Okinawans are in only about 1 percent of Japan national population, up to the Member of Parliament, issued only a dozen people of not overwhelming minority. Okinawans will take more than majority rule is adopted, trampled upon from that of is is clear from the most recent.
Consequently, at the colonial and democracy is never consistent. Colonialism include democracy within it.
             It is modern colonial nationalism was democratic imperialism.
("Unconscious of colonial principle cited above")--"" ☆ "beautiful the Ocean (ちゅらうみ)," Henoko, Nago city ■ 4.28 is head of the Okinawa meeting anti Congress that "day of infamy" and "sovereignty day" ceremony Government opens 28 ( 4/30/2013 [Okinawa times] featured in gap between inside and outside the Government and Okinawa, attention from domestic and overseas media. Action Tokyo or prefectural residents ' Conference explores the history of Okinawa up or amendment of the Constitution-minded Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, oppose the Osprey deployment than big a big treat.
Experts cited factors break recognition of sovereignty was clear, noted Abe miscalculated. Asahi Shimbun "Okinawa"humiliated"again" of expanded social plane 1, 2, 3 even include headlines and reported that Okinawa one-sided meeting with Government ceremonies at the top. Reported a rebound in Okinawa and intention of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe "ditch spread Government, Okinawa", such as stuck to the ceremony held in the courts. First social surface even at the top, "cut throw out angry fists" of heading, told the Conference along with the 3-stage horizontal large-format photographs.
Okinawa battle survivors who gave a presentation during the 山き flee I of introduced words such as.
→ → → ☆ ☆ ☆ to the full article follow ▼ fragments and stone professed Defense military establishment to the Councillors Secretary General Shigeru Ishiba stone LDP Secretary-General Shigeru Ishiba press conference 29, in the city of Kumamoto, the idea summer Councillors listed in the realization of the constitutional position the SDF and the armed forces.
Ishiba said "the ultimate self defense mission was to defend the independence of the country. We just complained that this army is et not "and pointed out.
"How do I do understand the striving for utmost, realization of the unharmonious" said.
-Truth was exposed openly in broad daylight.
Japan Japan news site ★ news ★ ☆ ★ Okinawa times ★ ☆ ★ 88.5 to five trap (Kadokawa one theme) to five trap (Kadokawa one theme) ◎ ◎ ◎ all-purpose senryu 20th anniversary best version ◎ ◎ ◎-Takashi nakahata, edit each, newspapers published by (4 / 14 / 2011)-Carefully selected featured clause works daily nakahata flow all-purpose senryu in newspapers to attract customers through a special 1260 clause. As a 20th anniversary special commemorative Mr. shigesato itoi South Masanobu Tsutsumi lol Trilogies and his colleagues, too. Laughing and crying, 20. Ultra handpicked from the 2640000 clause 5 and a half years.
Japan crushed or き傑 cropping practices.
And ★ best all-around senryu 20th Anniversary Edition &amp; curtain is too early also said-status was a lie to make the human cloud Immortals wildlife Academy clause, and-is a trumpet blown to say whew ☆ ★ ☆» poetry Soyo «is withering doji ☆ ★ ☆ Murou, elephant, old chromatid vestibule plate behind the blue one of the elephant walk and.
Dish old is facing bottom warp behind the elephant Indigo comes pressure thanks to the tray outside kick.
Hayate no gotoku lacquer dish enameling technique those old chromatid vestibule as a lonely solidified barrel bottom see 日ぐれ around as walking will be here 長からず smell of the elephant walk is not. Did look sad, ちぢまり Yun ( forget spring poems ) * Murou (8/1/1889 - 3/26/1962 )-poet and novelist. Real name t. road. Born in Kanazawa.
When the 17-year-old voted for the new voices poetry admitted, showed precocious age. First published in "feelings" with Sakutaro Hagiwara. "Lyric pieces", collection "poems of love poems" "lonely city" "blue fish man" "forget spring poems" iron collection etc.
Novel "eye to when I was woken up" "Ani imouto" etc. * Wikipedia: Murou ◆ ◇ ◆-"person, West, the language of the dwarves" ◆-◆-"ryūnosuke Akutagawa Ryunosuke by Shincho paperback edition." ★ dwarves words / Western people (mass market paperback)-( posthumous words of dwarfism ◇-or Idealist, he had never felt alleged a bit too in his own realist is.

But his own Bachelor idealization was thus minded his own.
[138] ☆ ★ ☆ say English expressions ★ ☆☆☆ cannot say so, considering that one year of age "of conversation naturally wants to be able to say" fastest he.
Bath dwarf 2.
3 She's fussy eater.
4 He's never tasted and frustrated again.
5 He was difficult.
1 Considering his age, he runs fast.
2 The bus is ready.
3 She is a finicky eater.
4HE ' s never felt a sense of failire.
5 He's difficult person to be with.
"NHK radio English 5 minutes between training Iwamura Kei Minami-lecturer &gt; * your broadcast this show ends in 4/1. Wikipedia: "Southern of Iwamura Keiichi forward Sir Thomas Lawrence." ◎ ◆ • Portrait Of The Hon George Fane (1819-1848), Later Lord Burghersh, When A Boy q, unknown private collection] ☆ Sir Thomas Lawrence ( Sir Thomas Lawrence ) [4/13/1769 - 1/7/1830] British painter. He was born in Bristol. My father is running. Show draw what they want tourists since 6-year-old, showed a glimpse of the artist that did.
When business failed father Thomas painting talent supported the household.
Thomas decided to establish oneself in the picture and is out to London in 1787The founder Joshua Reynolds the Royal Academy students and his paintings soon gained a reputation, will be member of the Academy in 1791.
Anon, to the society of dilettanti painter appointment and earned the status of the artist hired by King George III. Elected Chairman of the Royal Academy from 1820. He served as Chairman to death until.
Furthermore, he I lifelong celibacy. ☆ Sir Thomas Lawrence "[the Denver Museum of art", "self-portrait (1788) ◆ Sir Thomas Lawrence [upload date: 2009 / 12 / 09] ◇ ◆ ◇ my watch corner ◇ ◆ ◇ ☆ Mel Torme - Comin Home Baby (upload date: 08 / 01 / 2007) [Mel Torme - Comin Home Baby] Mel Torme and Calvin filled-Howard-Thome ☆ ☆"Mel"Melvin Howard Torme ( 9/13/1925? 6/5/1999 ) American jazz singer.
Jazz composer, who played in radio, film and TV as an actor's arranger, drummer in addition.
Nickname is "Velvet fog" Velvet Fog.
★ Wikipedia: Mel Torme