Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Very obvious story

Delivered nuclear facilities scale has been expanding after the accident, distant Fukushima Daiichi nuclear waste furnace water storage tank group, extended steadily kahoku shimpo 4/30 6:10. Large facility established after decommissioning work.
 Has gotten rather facility to grow despite transitional work to get rid of the nuclear power plant.

 New facilities (1) temporary storage facilities for dry casks to store spent fuel on behalf of multinuclear removal facilities (4) storage pool underground water reservoir (3) water storage tanks (2)-etc. Tank store a radiation-contaminated water. Size is mostly 12-meter diameter, 11 meters high, 1,000-ton capacity.

 Number up based on 940, arranged in tank's momentum will cover the campus. 1, Polluted water is discharged 400 tons, two and a-half tank to fill. Replace the tank storage facility is underground cistern. Maximum 60 m long, 53 m, seven 6 m depth was created. But Tokyo Electric Power Co. to stop using the water leakage problems series April.

 Became huge in doorstop. TEPCO was decommissioned, embarked on a anti tank into water reservoir.

 Prospects will be expanded more than 600 tanks, tank Group continues expansion. Multinuclear removal facilities get rid of radioactive substances from contaminated water. At 20 meters high and 60 meters breadth, covered numerous tanks and piping white tent.

 Temporary storage facilities for dry cask which make 95 m long, 80 m room location. 350 Hectares in the nuclear power plant site, the majority was accident before forest.

 Cut and urged need to ensure land facilities following the accident, and more than one-sixth of the entire site of the 60-hectare forest. Things increase the facilities related to decommissioning nuclear power plant accident in the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, built a giant concrete "sarcophagus confine the nuclear reactor".

 The dilapidated sarcophagus covered in iron giant domes. Former nuclear power plant worker men (57) refuge in Fukushima city "isn't some time limits that come in over water pollution is increasing, how will not have treatment facility expansion, more and more?.

 Facilities like continues to grow rather than convergence is feedback of displaced persons frequently "and spoke. TEPCO "with facilities for decommissioning tasks quickly and steadily.
Will need to work, "as have. This is the first you know daily 400-ton underground water flows in a nuclear power plant that.
(Reference) contaminated water is discharged 1, 400 tons so tank of 2 and a half days to fill it is.
Because 400 tons in a simple story that daily 400 tons of contaminated water emerging.
That is not that the amount should be handled by the water and into the nuclear power plant in the period amount = Warz.
Amount amount = amount of processing + water possibly leak arises from nuclear power plants into nuclear leaks should be.
Is not shut off nuclear power plants from around completely on cut-off wall doesn't make sense. Reference: talk http://blogs.yahoo.co.jp/atsunori517/53474401.html first do not comment in this blog post: skimping too 4/6/2013 around nuclear power plant pollution water discharge is handled also included 2 days now total approximately 370000 cubic meter ( drum 1850000 book translation ). Now rainwater or groundwater inflow, has increased by about 400 cubic meters 1.