Scottish ダンドゥレナン cumshots, leukemia and environmental pollution due to depleted uranium has been used in live fire exercise in the Baku area, for example, had become problem has been finally British Ministry of defence is our cumshots from Manchester that expressed the decommissioning of the depleted uranium in the Baku area ICBUW Office news. Despite the accusations, such as local communities and NGOs, ダンドゥレナン cumshots that depleted uranium has come from 1982 used in Baku, and the total amount of up to 31 tons.
That is equivalent to about one-tenth of the total in the 1991 Gulf war.
Translation has forced pressed calls for ban and finally forced off the live ammunition exercises as well as environmental pollution coming is problem at NATO and U.S. military bases around the world around the base, as in this case.
Note: commented on in the European Parliament are concerned Neil McCormick MEPs the Galloway News Scottish newspapers (4/15/2004 dated), Scottish National Party shadow Europe Minister, is this issue last month to the "survey of DU contamination, European Commission".
The European Commission agreed to investigate the possibility of contamination by launching from the Dundrennan firing range.
Claimed McCormick deputies in the European Parliament, have abandoned the depleted uranium bombs on the seabed of the Solway Firth would violate international law.
The Senator said was illegal without absolute proof that even if it's harmful to dump low-level radioactive waste ". Just click the icon below!
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