Very difficult question-problem has no technical way to extinguish the radioactivity water treatment pollution is not eternal, difficult issues.
Similar article below for recent television coverage has been. Continue to chill the reactor and 400 tonnes of radioactive contaminated water comes out one day. It to store in tanks, storage, or encased in case radioactivity not is not less, in keep long-term somewhere is. Only from municipalities still undertakes all but final storage facility has not been determined interim storage facility also at all, of course, not go lanceros Fukushima nuclear power plant site. But stop's just absolutely without increasing the limit of one day come....
In such a story. Is a serious community conflict. Volcano 20meters decontamination only been so far from the residence. Let's turn the fields and hills are of no. So soon littered with radioactivity on the wind and rain and falling.
This cruel reality is.... A situation never anyone at Chernobyl than that. Anguished residents disappear, or go and do not go over. Such a situation was being broadcast on TV. Lost for words.... It should have parents with a child not go. The effects 10-emerge 20 years later. Government will not stand for never so when (what ever pollution lawsuit is a Yes).
In this case also cannot protect children's health parent only, that the truth.
From groundwater that continues to be contaminated, damaged areas I think one reaches areas unimaginable....
*** Delivered nuclear facilities scale has been expanding after the accident, distant Fukushima Daiichi nuclear waste furnace water storage tank group, extended steadily kahoku shimpo 4/30 6:10. Large facility established after decommissioning work. Has gotten rather facility to grow despite transitional work to get rid of the nuclear power plant. New facilities (1) temporary storage facilities for dry casks to store spent fuel on behalf of multinuclear removal facilities (4) storage pool underground water reservoir (3) water storage tanks (2)-etc. Tank store a radiation-contaminated water. Size is mostly 12-meter diameter, 11 meters high, 1,000-ton capacity. Number up based on 940, arranged in tank's momentum will cover the campus. 1, Polluted water is discharged 400 tons, two and a-half tank to fill. Replace the tank storage facility is underground cistern. Maximum 60 m long, 53 m, seven 6 m depth was created. But Tokyo Electric Power Co. to stop using the water leakage problems series April. Became huge in doorstop. TEPCO was decommissioned, embarked on a anti tank into water reservoir. Prospects will be expanded more than 600 tanks, tank Group continues expansion. Multinuclear removal facilities get rid of radioactive substances from contaminated water. At 20 meters high and 60 meters breadth, covered numerous tanks and piping white tent. Temporary storage facilities for dry cask which make 95 m long, 80 m room location. 350 Hectares in the nuclear power plant site, the majority was accident before forest. Cut and urged need to ensure land facilities following the accident, and more than one-sixth of the entire site of the 60-hectare forest. Things increase the facilities related to decommissioning nuclear power plant accident in the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, built a giant concrete "sarcophagus confine the nuclear reactor". The dilapidated sarcophagus covered in iron giant domes. Former nuclear power plant worker men (57) refuge in Fukushima city "isn't some time limits that come in over water pollution is increasing, how will not have treatment facility expansion, more and more?. Facilities like continues to grow rather than convergence is feedback of displaced persons frequently "and spoke. TEPCO "with facilities for decommissioning tasks quickly and steadily.
Will need to work, "as have.
Last update: 4/30 6:10