[Fukui Chi disaster / New York Times: Japan government information sealed furnace and report the truth all over the world! / "Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant a new danger! Wrestling with the field workers highly radioactive water flood! "Japan / expert" Tokyo electric power company can't think even tomorrow! "★ because such a State, using electromagnetic waves behind the troops, like I would silence blogs rat!
But yet, completely not die is!
◎ [field, Takenaka made Journal] Councillors at the National Association of Mr. Taro Yamamoto → "be stamped out and have to be one of the" ◎ [Keita Kinoshita Huang's I's blog] [Toyama rubble blocking] January pond-inhabitants of criminal complaints against billboards destruction is shadow of the violent use of force, "UN-American" sound truck.
Articles → ◎ ★ is Onuma 4/29 with Flow of Tainted Water Is Latest Crisis at Japan Nuclear Plant articles > the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant is faced with a new crisis: a flood of highly radioactive wastewater that workers are struggling to contain.
"Tepco is clearly just hanging on day by day, with no time to think about tomorrow, much less next year," said Tadashi Inoue, an expert in nuclear power who served on a committee that drew up the road map for cleaning up the plant.
7:18 Pm |
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