Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Road decommissioning lazuline fukuichi

 It is tough!
     The road to decommissioning Fukushima!
Are hunch seems very likely finish measures of water pollution in 2 years will go crazy! 10 Years later start the unloading nuclear fuel from the reactor core melted but still says what really possible to do? And money is at stake which at the moment or is not certain on what time putting money on water? And the expenditure be funded through nuclear power generation cost and what?
  I guess parachuted to the bureaucrats and politicians perhaps through AREVA at public expense in taxes all Kickback subcontracting is made Bonanza and spans various beauty dish works, nuclear folks taking Fukushima procurement but can't stop laughing.
 And is seen crying always depends on our taxpayers and say it. 
Below is news reporting no prospect of decommissioning work seriousness and Tokyo electric power company related information. Contaminated water is discharged 400 tons 1, extended and distant TEPCO waste furnace roadmap for long-term roadmap progress status site situation and technical problem waste furnace roadmap for nuclear waste furnace water storage tank Group 4/30, tank of 2 and a half days to fill. Replace the tank storage facility is underground cistern. Maximum 60 m long, 53 m, seven 6 m depth was created. But Tokyo Electric Power Co. to stop using the water leakage problems series April.
 Became huge in doorstop. Multinuclear removal facilities get rid of radioactive substances from contaminated water. At 20 meters high and 60 meters breadth, covered numerous tanks and piping white tent.
 Temporary storage facilities for dry cask which make 95 m long, 80 m room location. 350 Hectares in the nuclear power plant site, the majority was accident before forest.
 Cut and urged need to ensure land facilities following the accident, and more than one-sixth of the entire site of the 60-hectare forest. Things increase the facilities related to decommissioning nuclear power plant accident in the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, built a giant concrete "sarcophagus confine the nuclear reactor".
 The dilapidated sarcophagus covered in iron giant domes. Former nuclear power plant worker men (57) refuge in Fukushima city "isn't some time limits that come in over water pollution is increasing, how will not have treatment facility expansion, more and more?.
 Facilities like continues to grow rather than convergence is feedback of displaced persons frequently "and spoke. TEPCO "with facilities for decommissioning tasks quickly and steadily.
Will need to work, "as have. 最終更新:4月30日(火)6時10分
◆汚染水対策は「最大の課題」・ 汚染水「最大の課題」 IAEA原発廃炉検証 - 福島民報(4月23日)
・ 質問なるほドリ:福島第1原発・汚染水漏れ 蒸発で削減できるの? -Daily newspapers (4/29) of Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station-water processing conditions, storage.
Tokyo Electric Power Co.