Monday, June 3, 2013

And TEPCO except dyeing costs unpaid incident tugging the Government could not respond at

[Ministry of the environment based on the radioactive substance pollution action Act unpaid is grants for primary area billed country crowning except dyeing costs and Governments conduct decontamination, etc. The mechanism of TEPCO's claim after the country was spending based on the anti-terrorism law decontamination work. Seems to be speculation of expense framework for rethinking urge not comply with part payment and total and just future-except decontamination scale is not clearly and continue to pay the enormous costs as the Tokyo electric power company is difficult in Government. Continues as it is unpaid, Nations continue and the payment can be. (SNIP), country crowning except dyeing costs 4400000000 Yen in Tokyo electric power company for the payment and will soon pay 250 million yen in additional $ 16500000000 remaining is not according "article verification takes time", such as. TEPCO (SNIP) ", based on the anti-terrorism law respond appropriately. Cannot answer, so problems between the parties regarding the payment "as that. > ( Tokyo newspaper 6/2/2013 with Environment Ministry East electric suit study / special antiterrorism law claim except decontamination 16500000000 fee of ¥ unpaid ) «not being detected in... | Top | Population and area are 96% "difficulty in going home.
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