Saturday, May 25, 2013

Aimed at the Government's Earthquake Research Committee is exactly what?

Japan's public institutions and successful earthquake prediction is nil. East Japan earthquake two years ago did not foresee.
On the contrary, before the 3 did not anticipate that work even.
And yet what now. the Tokai, tonankai, and Nankai together, put the probability of occurrence of what nerves? "Last year" Nankai Trough mega thrust earthquake tsunami heights and inundation area damage (primary report) and (second report) full "is damage that I left a serious, intense impression. Scale changes affected Central region different outline razed and burnt down buildings are 940000 ~ 2380000, dead 320000-30000 people in and it was gruesome. But it was stipulated "time not to in integrated status of current data and research levels predict this"tsunami / earthquake maximum class"is, its frequency of occurrence is extremely low," "( mega earthquake prediction coverage to readers ' literacy Yasuharu Dando | ー list, former newspaper reporter 5/25/2013 5:57 story is totally irresponsible.
Long-term forecast of Japan Meteorological Agency hit everyone, do you think?
So I'm studying weather forecaster exams I with so much accuracy is good but do you know or have forecast what is one of those.
Missing achievements I put those numbers and doing public on disaster prevention and seismic hazard mitigation is nice, messing up unneeded public works and earthquake prediction research costs that just because my opposition is. For example little sense can make no matter how high retaining wall about the disaster.
Anyway it is fleeing. Carved "miracle" in the Kamaishi in everyone!
(Reference) shouldn't we "thought" it has the most important either? Reference to lean on our blog post * retaining wall 3/20/2013 a!
Prepare for the unexpected! Osaka-shi Tsurumi Fire Department: "Kamaishi miracles" 99.8% survival school children's miracle 4/22/2011 survive without unexpected ( Fri toshitaka katada University Professor "in 2003, I investigated the Sanriku District residents disaster prevention awareness. If you look nationally against residents of the area tsunami disaster prevention awareness is high, even though I felt the danger.
It was from the conceived contradiction that human consciousness declines as social capital, such as levees and disaster preparedness by the Government will enhance more. "Is taught to children and parents education culminates says Frank's"hazard map with the truth. This is just scenario only shelter tsunami arrival point that reflects the latest scientific findings and written into hazard maps. End determines the situation yourself and wanted to tell you how important to act. Still, fears remain children. So said how come no tsunami is going to be there.
 Is it flee. Other is that with responsibility for one's life. SRJ reportedly folktale that tsunamis usually besought. A shelter right alone to defend his life to whatever pieces there were earthquakes, even family without worrying about and prevent collapse and family lesson. I thence step by step for children "just training and tell the parents as we made ready their escape absolutely" and spoke.
Rather, saying that child care for parents is unreasonable because said "trust the children and first of all, want to escape". Also established just how hard the unexpected disaster could happen. End rely on in each individual community resilience, it can enhance education. "Nankai Trough earthquakes, M 8 ~ 9 grade predicts 30 odds, 24 (m) 8-9 grade earthquake occurs within 30 years in the southern sea trough shallow trench announced new long-term prediction that 60-70% delivery Government seismic survey Committee 5/25 70% chance later this year. Review methods to calculate the probability of 3 of the Tokai, tonankai, and Nankai earthquake individually and centrally evaluated the entire trough.
 You cannot calculate probability of earthquakes of M9. M8 grade Tokai, tonankai, and Nankai earthquake happened repeatedly in the Nankai Trough that extends off the eastern coast of Kyushu and off Tokai, Japan.
 Is teachers will have an iPad 3 earthquake probability individually so far decided for multiple earthquakes interact in past cases, such as who is diverse, including the largest M9 class bulk trough throughout the earthquake and to evaluate. Probability within 30 years of 88% of the Tokai, tonankai 70-80%, 60% of Nankai as of January this year, apparent probability of the Tokai, tonankai, and low on the ISOTOP y. m. Chairman of the investigation Committee "doesn't change in the very high degree of urgency not turned significantly is,.
 Decrease strive for disaster "and said. In a new analysis 6 m. plain of 1361, since earthquakes. Was shortest 88.2, and estimated average 117 years interval or interval until the next earthquake happens from 70 years ago Showa tonankai / Nankai earthquake is relatively minor things, past occurrence is imminent. M9 class with one digit more than lower incidence than M8 grade with did because no record of what happened in the past cannot calculate the probability