Saturday, May 25, 2013

Why become an anti-nuclear power plant?

 People live on, the fuel is very important.
 Waaaaay old fairy tales is, not "is grandfather mountain gather firewood..." satoyama was its source should be. Going up for sale, the Shiba district, (it was cash barter?). 考 収入 増 少 , , 焼 雑木 窯 , 炭 、 売 。 little thought the income increase,, with Christmas trees, charcoal and sell out. Who will be handling even at ease, easier to fire management.
 Revenue also increased. Also same thing, the present. First touted coal, black diamond, great use as a traction in the industry. Even though coal reserves, many oil reserves for less than it was, has debuted in the leading part of the fuel, will of convenience I. But coal is intact can be fuel. Don't like a little oil is not processed. With crude oil, have storage containers. Then, touching things. And to sell and increase the commercial value.
 Profit comes from there.
 Profits come bulging snowballed by variously put the effort. Nuclear fuel is its purification, comes out much more than oil refining. This is simply mere, it costs money.
 Is it costs much money comes very eventually, that.
 So rich are found primary way money profit more.
Oil reserves, it's after about 40 years, cry to say so since more than 40 years ago. "World-wide crude oil reserves of 163 billion tonnes 1240000000000 barrels, and 6% in the Middle East. Also reserves calculated in the production of 2008 is a 41 years in the global average, by region Middle East 78 years and the longest. With regard to country-specific reserves the top 3 in Middle East largest in Saudi Arabia's reserves, accounted for 21% of world-wide. >?!, I'm fueled the uneasiness of?. And more, also seems to be so many. Rationale above is "United Kingdom oil BP:British petroleum, oil and gas journal ( Oil & Gas Journal ), etc. based on that. > But, however. Compared with oil and coal, such as concerning uranium mining, have many problems. Oh well. Measure is I go development was neglected many indigenous peoples in Africa for oil exploration. ( It is icing on the cake ) below, a little quote "are called Navajo and American indigenous people. Official tribal names is similar like brothers in Canada that the Navajo people "Dene tribe name, uranium mining already started in the 1910s. Nuclear power was when uranium is not used, undertook the mining is a local Navajo Indians. Whatsoever they do stuff how risky that is radioactive, uranium is people, people who mined almost severe, such as lung cancer.
 Is a dangerous thing in the vein of uranium causes lung cancer is in knowing that is it was digging. When Navajo people piled upon brick and stone make a traditional House that Hogan used uranium mine stones.
 Is doesn't have repeated things exposed to people who live there go to work in the mines, came back, exposure at home. The chic Yellow powder is doesn't retrieve uranium in ore into smelter near the mined uranium is adding water to uranium ore and extracted with ammonium sulfate and called yellow cake, such as refining uranium. Waste comes out of taking it out. Now refined uranium is taken in the enrichment process. There again comes out lots of waste. With increasing concentrations of 4% to be use in commercial nuclear reactors and higher will bomb materials.
About 90% highly enriched uranium immediately became the atomic bomb]"I'm 一 one of North America's oldest indigenous Acoma Tribe we have been from the region of ACOMA New Mexico State. Then the tribe been lived in the same place. There are rocks on top at a height of about 400 meters of sand flat on the desert ground, it is called Maser.
 Top of the village. White people are called village SkyCity sky town land. We are victims of nuclear.
And also a victim of the use of nuclear energy. (SNIP) underneath where I live ACOMA land vein of grants "uranium mine.
 There is such vein mined uranium into an intensive mass in North America at from the late 1940's and early 90 years. There are uranium mines in the area more than 1000. And smelt of many uranium plant.
 And the damage is still in development of 60 years and took the damage caused by pollution have been. More and more people affects everyone has suffered from various health problems, all kinds of cancer-related illness.
 It is a brain tumor when lung cancer, stomach cancer, colorectal cancer, bone cancer, skin cancer, and women of female breast cancer and cervical cancer, such diseases increases. Amid such damage, hear a word "peaceful nuclear and I really will be puzzled. Wonder there is such a Word.
 And in many places all over the world indigenous people land a similar illness, suffer. I have our meeting towards the elderly come to Japan, the atomic bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, they said by bombing Hiroshima and Nagasaki survivors, survivors to us.
 Convinced that to meet these people, victims of the US uranium mining New Mexico State I'm in I. I think I would like to talk about issues happening in uranium mining and refining its environmental destruction and our land. It environment is and all sorts of things, air, soil, and the fact that all plants have been contaminated. Most important is still is water pollution.
People to Hibbing and various means to get sick. > In India "is"untouchable caste system many people are tough while poor, alienated from even the caste system ( non-palpable outcast )". Gandhi called it their "harijan (children of God)" and, the people remind of hardship in the system but still tough. However aborigines in India that the native people have. Especially, that indigenous people lived more in Bihar, Eastern India. Especially indigenous people live in southern Jharkhand in Bihar, finally last year after a long struggle for independence from Bihar, became one in Jharkhand State. Says 28% of the population is indigenous in there. Jharkhand State was the largest ore producers in India and ore rich in fossils produced "Jamshedpur by (Pur tatanagar) India's first full-scale industrial city". And reported serious radioactive damage causing a 14 base (total 2720000 kW output) this Jharkhand India's only uranium mine, currently operating nuclear power plants in jadugoda (SNIP) support area was the "lament of the Buddha film that won the Grand Prize in global environmental Film Festival 2000. Various disease causing the natives don't get huge slag pond made jadugoda in the movie, and forced to live in the Interior and was shown.
Congenital disorders especially in recent years, has appeared in the children said a serious aspect. According to the Research Organization ( Jharkhandhi Anti Radiation ) JOAR fought UCIL against seven villages in 1 km range and from the slag of the pond, 18% of women experienced a miscarriage or stillbirth within the next 5 years 47% female trouble menstrual irregularities in there said.
That is one-third of women with infertility, congenital anomalies and cancer, skin diseases, such as multiple residents during. And 712 inhabitants of slag pond received a diagnosis, medical examination by the State Health Department made JOAR fight results of 32 people have leaned against the suspected radiation-induced diseases.
> If you write this news too. "Niger: suicide bombers because of numerous 23, in uranium mines and uranium mines operated by government army base, according reports from West Africa, Niger newspapers 5/23/2013 23:30 ( last updated 5/24 32 ) (Johannesburg Masanori Hattori, Paris Hiroaki Miyagawa) deaths every day 21 suicide bombing at the army base, located in Central Niger and French nuclear giant AREVA Inc., including two total. Et Minister of Niger, Niger soldiers were 20 people killed in terror to the base. That man with explosives is taking a number of trained soldiers hostage.
 One who died in the mine according to the French media, operations were stopped in injury due to explosion wounded 14 people.
 According to AFP last year dominated the northern neighbour Mali revealed that in response to the "West African Jihad movement ( MUJAO" found one put down Islamic extremists committed the crime, military intervention "Niger and France to cooperate with France in the war against the Sharia (Islamic law) that attack the" Mali 2. According to Reuters, the car into 5:00 Agadez central station entrance and exploded.
 Suicide occurs almost 250 kilometers north of Arlit uranium mine at the same time. Militants such as Al Qaeda ( AQIM Islamic Maghreb Qaeda and MUJAO sects"seized Northern last year in Mali, is expelled from the northern city of interventions such as officials of the French army and fled to mountainous areas, etc. Niger also participates in the mopping-up operation. Militant's whereabouts had been feared, and Mari extremists are making grounds ground South of Libya this month, ー Niger's Foreign Minister pointed out.
 > Such as suppression by force, but not to the resolution of what's fair.
 Today this is?.
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