Thursday, May 30, 2013

JFBA: Chairman's statement on UN Social Rights Committee summary of findings

Summary findings of UN Social Rights Committee Chairman statement United Nations economic, social and cultural rights International Covenant ( hereinafter referred to as the "Covenant". ) in UN Social Rights Committee will conduct review 4/30/2013 third annual Japan Government report on the implementation of information, and published a summary of findings on 5/17.

Japan to ratify the agreement are liable for any obligation of implementation of this agreement and owes obligations to improve matters was a recommendation from the Commission. Summary of findings is going against recommendations 31 items, such as discrimination, labor, social security, disaster / accident and education in Japan.
Above all these matters and should be considered.
Sought after seemed to picking enough in training programs targeted to judicial professions from lawyers and judicial training Institute curriculum that was noted and a noteworthy Nations rights conventions on minimum core obligation immediately with once again asked to take the necessary measures to implement Convention in domestic legal systems across the judicial applicability of the Convention on the rights and second in prompted an immediate establishment of national human rights institution in accordance with the Paris principles (8).
In this sought after previous general findings from this Federation also highly sought.
3 Be rid of discrimination against women are widely prompted awareness of illegality of the applying valuation of equal value work differently in men and women (13) settings for the audacious goal of including the gender assignment in the field of education in the basic plan for gender equality, education for equality of employment opportunities between men and women in the labour market and running a campaign to revolutionize recognized social gender roles, employment and political and public decision (paragraph 19), etc.
That Chapter 4 take the approach to human rights based in disaster preparedness and risk reduction and reconstruction efforts for East Japan earthquake, Japan's nuclear establishment of accountability especially ensured the disaster management plan without discrimination in the enjoyment of civil rights (paragraph 24), and nuclear safety, and nuclear accident may requested speedy disclosure of all information of the accident and offered to the residents is expected to particularly hazardous, precautions and measures concerning broad, reliable and accurate information.
(12) Asked for revision of the disabled persons fundamental law including the implementation obligation of reasonable accommodation and equality in dignity securing employment in the handling of the introduction of minimum pension security in the national pension system brought to its attention sought after securing the retreat block principles of social security regarding the reduction of the social security budget, including reducing welfare benefits and reduction in benefits is not a blow to the social rights of the claimant and protection for consumers, women, (paragraph 10), prompted a review of discriminatory laws for illegitimate child, etc.
It's important and applicable high school tuition system immediately to the Korean school having been 27 paragraphs as well.
Adopt measures for guarantee of the enjoyment of civil rights, etc. are required regarding the comfort women Japan military, hate speeches against "comfort women" in recommendation Government of Japan should be efforts to achieve its cordially about the recommendations made in the summary of findings also do for public education for the prevention of motorcades and other, of our associations and even give my best while piling up a constructive dialogue and Japan Governments and relevant agencies, will work toward its realization.
5/27/2013, Book of bar associations
President Kenji YAMAGISHI