Fukushima nuclear power plant in Japan is a jaw-dropping disaster for India Government, must realize we can't overcome by human power in nuclear technology cooperation and donor risk due to. Nuclear accident will cause irreparable damage to the environment and human. Even in just more than two years from the Fukushima nuclear power plant may far to say control. Vast amounts of radioactive material may contaminate the air, water and soil, not only damage to the current generation for future generations will suffer the pollution is.
The connection between politics and the nuclear power industry is already exposed, subject to criticism. India takes responsible actions, should reconsider the use of nuclear energy. Nothing more than nuclear energy supplies only 3% of its electricity now.
Will therefore shift to renewable and sustainable alternative energy from nuclear energy is not that hard. Japan should stop grant isn't nuclear technology to other countries, particularly (UN nuclear non-proliferation Treaty) NPT and CTBT (comprehensive nuclear test ban treaty) signatory countries. Asking many nations without nuclear (nuclear) world in Japan faced a huge economic loss by Fukushima, participate in the massive demonstration.
At this time victims were unavoidable displaced by Mie meltdown receives no compensation policy to export nuclear energy to countries such as India, Viet Nam, Jordan is also unacceptable at all.
For women, and all children in India and Japan, and on the Earth and future generations we require to stop freezing nuclear export policy of Japan and Japan-India bilateral nuclear civilian negotiations immediately. Do not criticize the flag and anthem, and cannot be threatened by individuals in family life is to overcome colonialism to silence the workers (education, Government and corporate) as a way of life will become more important.
Hitachi, Toshiba, Mitsubishi, nuclear-related manufacturer in the live and silent all engineers, workers, can "live" in obedience to the organization. Repression and discrimination (min) from ethnic now (who) other ethnic oppression and discrimination isn't either.
Hitachi Ltd. (corporate) you don't know what the (ethnic) discrimination to sue (Japanese) taken against cold from workers. Fight against colonialism in Japan sell the nuclear world is Hitachi, Toshiba, Mitsubishi, withdrew from the primary business and stop nuclear export.
Showdowns to see critically after World War II, peace movements, human rights was not asked of war responsibility is necessary. To live like a human being besides nationality solidarity of many people who asked each and every local community party sovereignty including the road will not.
Will be a long struggle.
There are people who "feel wonder word" national", involved in the anti-nuclear movement.
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