Misjudgment of the unexpected. Constitutional mechanisms lead to serious accidents, Miss chain also revealed unexpected, decisions were wrong. Multiple mistakes chained (Juki) Tokaimura, Ibaragi Prefecture Accelerator experiment facility of the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute "J-PARC" radioactive materials leaked and caused a serious accident many researchers exposed (nuked). Rep confides "had a part was based on a hunch" radiation control information. Sloppy accident response unlikely "nuclear power Pro". Constitutional mechanism in question from the nuclear regulatory Commission also safety management, causing many trouble with Russia again. Nuclear reporting team ■ is unexpected beam 400 times the output of the first 23, noon ago that happened. Safety device suddenly activates during the experiment focuses on the beam gold to a particle and beam stop. Beam power were unplanned 400 times. Myriad of facilities, equipment, personnel that equipment "was" stop many times in one day and. For this cause to reset the safety device rather than a resume driving. However, the safety device is activated again. "What happened?" See the radiation measurements researchers were working on a dog-eared measurements are usually of four times. "Work is controlled by the computer, enter the person's there is no." Subatomic nucleus Division Director Tanaka Expo () in charge of the facility denied that the erroneous operation, suspected a malfunction of equipment. On top of that "this kind of glitch-free the first time, unusual case" and highlighted the unexpected. ■ detects radioactive material was leaking "at" is unpalatable and then respond. Is turned the exhaust fan in the facility had spread radioactive material outside the facility. "It is my responsibility. Radioactive material to take out fan that is not normally doing ". Miura Taichi in radiation protection supervisor facilities and Safety Division Chief floated the agonizing facial expressions. According to Mr. Miura, to lower the radiation dose exhaust deliberately outside the facility. It's for this reason main isotopes leaked radioactive substances in sodium-24, iodine-123, at 199, in half-life through three days and 13 hours these few effects. Daiichi is leaked large amounts of nuclear accident, cesium-137 half life compared to 30 years long. Not assume too large amount of leakage within the facility, for the first time since operations began in 1/2009. Had not taken measures such as ventilation equipment to filter I radioactive material. "Let in the light feeling. Thank you was not an act "and defended Mr. Miura. ■ got some recognition and further delays in the publication of pouring oil on local residents angry at. JAEA operates a facility initially was not disclosed because "leakage of radiation outside the administrative area could not be found from". Time away about 500 meters west of the facility laboratory radiation measurement value operated exhaust fan 5:30 PM around 24: sure have risen. It recognized the leakage to outside the administrative area for the first time, reported to the nuclear regulatory agency on the same day 9:20 PM. But the show already established on 23rd 1:30 PM around the monitor devices 10 times closer than usual. Underestimated one stay in the facility that caused the escalation of the situation. Publication of one day and a half later about accidents from Naoto Saito, Deputy Director facility is "not keeping up with our understanding and grasp of the situation delayed. Really sorry "and did not lower the head only.
( No ( 21:26 more than ) citations In Tokaimura, Ibaragi Prefecture Accelerator experiment facility of the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute "J-PARC" radioactive material leakage and no excuse for officials responsible for the barrage just unexpected. Despite the e-stop is applied, without analyzing the cause and unlock the emergency stop, continued his experiments, unspeakable not only got a crisis management concept to the Japan Atomic Energy Agency lacked organization. From emergency stop was happening on a daily basis, says clear and continued to experiment with perception itself, the problem is that using a system of crisis management cannot be so no wonder. Actually, saw the exhaust fan in the TV footage was uncertain only with factory exhaust fans in the ass. If the original is lacking basic approach to safety that Fukushima Daiichi assumption of any accident lessons, doing it in response to plan only. Because it says even if the managing organization for the development of fast breeder reactor "monju" was neglected even basic equipment inspection is Japan Atomic Energy Agency need to do more research to judge would and even from the perspective of crisis management not going. With monju is lack of crisis management that this accident is dealing with both nuclear and without exaggeration. Until the idea of unexpected lost nuclear regulatory Commission think should stop work of Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute.
( No.3654-2