The word "nuclear fuel cycle. Let's look at the Wikipedia- nuclear fuel cycle. Fuel cycles ( anyway as cycle ) and, pointing to the circulation of the radionuclide involved in nuclear fuel and resources. From the production reactor for nuclear fuel to nuclear fuel material specific radionuclides transformation strains narrowly centered commercial reactor is means reprocessing and waste (also called an atomic fuel cycle, nuclear fuel recycling). In reprocessing spent nuclear fuel from nuclear reactors and in nuclear power plants, fuel Assembly, separation and enrichment of the ore from the mine natural uranium mining, refining, and isotope processing power and is used in the sense of the latter over the uranium-235 that can be used again as nuclear fuel processing and a sequence containing the handling and disposal of radioactive waste that. Is divide processing into nuclear fuel back-end and front-end, reprocess and later from the mining of the ore from the mine also. Extracting uranium-235 and plutonium in spent nuclear fuel generated from nuclear power plants, "and can produce more energy than simply to waste disposal reuse as nuclear fuel that. This also becomes the radioactivity decreases for extracting plutonium and uranium in the spent nuclear fuel and reducing the amount of waste. In other words, is turning the nuclear fuel cycle would prerequisite for running nuclear power plants.
Nuclear fuel cycle not turn smoothly in radioactive waste products accumulate in the meantime. However, nuclear fuel cycle is falling in the nuclear power plant in Japan. = > 5/18/2013: "Monju" twenty-two years of actual / nuclear accident facts (70) = > 1/2012: fault is directly under the electric power and nuclear fuel cycle / flowers Islands recovery notes (83) Hara Tsuruga nuclear power plant No.2 is certified that decommissioning could be increased. Because situ thermocouple is crucial in addition would keep resistance, so Regulatory Affairs Committee also questioned the raison d'etre, feel regardless of the wishes of the original electric, forced to decommissioning. But how mean the case is closed, so it is unlikely. A problem of what to do with spent nuclear fuel. Fuketa () Feng Zhi Committee about 22 Regulatory Commission regular meeting at risk of risk remains no. 2, (1) damage and broken pool water through, no longer cooling nuclear fuels (2) nuclear fuel, radioactive material leaves--of noted 2. Unit 2 stop 5/2011 193 bodies fuel in the furnace are all transferred to the pool. Dangers and meltdown is no longer the reactor itself in that sense. A nuisance is approximately 1600 stored in pools of spent nuclear fuel. Many already cold, and 10 minutes, transfer to a safe place in theory possible. Just a different form of nuclear fuel pool no. 1 no Hara train jointly with Tokyo Electric Power Co., air-cooled type construction in interim storage facilities are not yet completed in mutsu city, Aomori Prefecture. Even more alarming was used until 11, 193; Spent nuclear fuel on a hot strong emits radiation, usually into the pool to 3-5 years, shielded (shielded while) with water radiation cooling. Hot nuclear fuel cannot be used, even with dedicated containers can be transported, but rather air-cooled rooms are not with more cold. Found reality is nowhere else to go. Inconsistency has revealed one after another, and nuclear power plant forced technology and at the moment isn't either. Should turn direction to promote good without having to run nuclear power plants also power steering.
Of course, that shall be divided starkly and the existing benefit structure, don't get so given in the objective rationality of the.