25 / 5 / 2013 (Saturday) 10:07 patriotic media Tweet earthquake experts criticized the Tsuruga fault report, a description sufficient and Japan Atomic power fault beneath the Fukui Prefecture Tsuruga nuclear power plant No. 2 machine Lew cedar, one of the experts had pointed out faults likely originally on "considerations on seismic design faults" and approved by the nuclear regulatory Commission's report and industrial technology general summary of Institute of geology, criticized the "description is not enough," said 24-. #rect-l {position:relative; left:-5 px} has to survey local plant as old nuclear and industrial safety agency, the predecessor of the Regulatory Affairs Committee last April, hearing session of the Committee, pointed out that "cannot deny potentially active faults".
Regulatory Affairs Committee investigation took place, this. Sugiyama's lecture at Japan Geoscience Union meeting held in Chiba City on the same day. Japan original electric denies fault claim people and pointed out "reasonable and likely to be" more logically undeniable faults, even Regulatory Affairs Committee considers the "fault" "not dealt fairly.
Judged so why description that is missing ", criticized the report.
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