(c) Make the information collected by the Nuclear Regulation Authority, including regulations and compliance of nuclear power plant operators with domestic and international safety standards and guidelines, publicly available for an independent monitoring
(d) Ensure that TEPCO and other third parties are held accountable for the nuclear accident and that their liability to pay compensation or reconstruction efforts is not shifted to taxpayers. 82. The Special Rapporteur urges the Government to ensure effective community participation, especially participation of vulnerable groups in all aspects of the decision-making processes related to nuclear energy policy and the nuclear regulatory
framework, including decisions regarding nuclear power plant operations, evacuation zones, radiation limits, health monitoring and compensation amounts.
Special Rapporteur concerning the framework for nuclear regulation and nuclear energy policy including the designated evacuation area, operation of the nuclear power plant, radiation quantity limits, health surveys, compensation from France for the Japan Government to participate in all aspects of decision-making process to public participation, particularly vulnerable groups.
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