However energy is very much the J-PARK is, even beam intensity (particles per second hammered Qty) is so sheer, hmmm.
Problem is a kind of radioactive material, according to the site J-PARK, has been five types that caused the internal exposure.
Examine the half-life of Hg-197, K-43, Au-198, Hg-195, respectively Na-24 (source: is just as short. Hg-197: 64 time, k-43: 22 hours, Au-198:2.7, Hg-195:10.5 time 24:15: between ( half-life and examined at the following site.
To click the nuclide with the cursor, and basic information about the radionuclides appears under. ) therefore fallout to worry quickly disappears just don't need, is. ( is the real story. Scholars.htm safety Declaration isn't. ) Click welcome support from internal exposure of staff and postgraduates is like digit millisieverts. Please is of course not an associated 20 millisieverts of ridiculous how over the years although Fukushima polluted areas delineated, but numbers, but this incident.
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