Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Experimental verification. Nuclear Regulatory Commission launched the study Committee

5 / 2 / 2013 (Thursday) am 1:48 news for practice tweets validation experiments. Five outside experts joined the other members of the regulatory Commission's Committee nuclear regulatory Commission launched a study group and stood up to new delivery 5/1 21:24. Eyewitness accounts that large amounts of water immediately after the earthquake in 5F 1 No. 16 the problem indicated about the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power, hydrogen explosion was initially from the average spurted 1st initial is reviewed. This an accident investigation Committee of the Parliament dissolved last year, also had suggested first to survey Furthermore, was indeed no. 1 in from outside experts, after verification and proposal.
Regulation Commission prepared monthly meeting report at some point around the year again and submitted to IAEA = International Atomic Energy Agency. ◆ "earthquake" due to the mystery-first meeting - discussion pertaining to the accident analysis in 1 Tokyo power Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station, NHK (5/1) - article is seen in accident "mystery" of PDF files.
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