Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Governor inose NY タイムズ well spent (2)

still from another different angles, show concerns about Olympic bid now, Ginza Wako clock tower has reprinted example card clock tower is;=twitter&u; カレイドスコープ more. I, too, is one of them. It is this. Already, is well known to most people still depicted in the Illumina card is Ginza Wako clock tower would have. Now now no longer deny anyone, 2012 London Olympics was clearly "Olympics of Zion". Is a Zionist global elites ' proclaimed in the first year of world Zionism world in London 2012. Actually America is now as unstoppable road to Nazism (i.e. Zionism) authorities ' national full tilt this year. Gradually we have line while seeming EU even as seemingly keeping distance with the United States. Is this card meanings and that it implied "Ginza Wako clock tower? Big Ben of London? "To read because you described. "Ginza Wako clock tower? Big Ben of London? "The written article explores different possibilities for praying for the clock tower isn't Ginza Wako clock tower. London Olympics is Big Ben London (currently to celebrate 60th anniversary Queen Elizabeth, Elizabeth Tower, a name change) no doubt this card was filled with the symbolism of Satanism from Israel armed guards also patrol had commissioned painting is was a hot topic among foreign conspiracy researcher. However, nothing in the London Olympics. The clock tower of the card was still Ginza Wako clock tower and the... Five people runnin clothing colors are red, blue, green, yellow, symbolizes the colors black, white (left-most men are wearing a white jacket trousers is black) Olympics. This is the Olympic Games. Background Brown smoke depicts a pattern apparently exploded bombs. If the Olympics do is bomb attack happen, suggests that this card is. To now, look to what has somewhat by Governor inose of intentional "blue-blooded" Tokyo Olympic bid. Here we shall be monitoring is whether add pull any punches of candidates and IOC trying to attract Olympic Tokyo still. If you think common sense there are radioactivity Tokyo. Seismic threats. And a Governor of blue-blooded. Though adverse conditions overlap it is as evidence that if Tokyo was named a candidate, unidentified IOC was the Organization as we were thinking. Governor inose, what knows this. It may be just conspiracy story. However no need run the risk purposely hit the gates of hell Japan, etc.
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