As TPP, forcing 10 percent consumption tax, nuclear propulsion, depreciation policy, is a key measures of the current nationalist government. Said forces are taking the same position / group / organization that is a conglomerate and the financial world. That both protagonists and the epicenter was sponsored conglomerate. The conglomerate intends to follow nationalist regime. Zaibatsu like nationalism. Contrary to hate democracy. Democracy is better, fewer opportunities get to rip off for greedy capital. It's from be subject to punishment.
Was so even before the war, Zaibatsu pursuit of nationalism after the war, there is no different. Conglomerate has the size to overpower it before World War II. The internationalization and diversification of world companies. Having to acquire national Governments in the rich fund strength. Domestically, that stifle Kasumigaseki at bureaucrats parachute. Politics is not limited to the ruling party.
Send salt to the opposition, their influence is not a trifling matter. At the outset, Sankei was ordinary commercial newspapers. However, it has fallen into financial difficulties. Conglomerates, financial world, came on board there openly. Flipping a decent reporter, now provide a conglomerate led by paper. In the anti-Communist paper.
This is the real intention of the chaebol. Anti-Communist newspapers is in Group decision making. Inevitably 下 lackeys of Washington right wing. Liberal and even hostile. This unique newspaper acclaimed popular big thing is not.
But thanks its sponsors in placed the Fuji Television subsidiary. The Yomiuri Shimbun and Japan TV follow the production routing lines. Tokyo TV-Japan economic newspaper conglomerate newspapers say at the same time. Public broadcaster NHK Chairman at what a right-wing business leaders graduates.
NHK biased coverage also has wavered with emotion. Many citizens are unaware of Japan yielded to the Zaibatsu surrendered newspaper TV against. It's here I'm afraid.
Mainichi, Asahi Shimbun, TV Asahi, TBS has shaken. Somewhat decent newspaper's Tokyo Shimbun newspaper.
Tabloid Nikkan gendai, journalistic spirit reminiscent of sticking paper to.
Utsunomiya predicted "collapse of democracy in Japan, newspapers 屈 power" concerns swing under the conglomerate led by now.
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