Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Jinzaburo Takagi "Tue プルートーン / nuclear civilization steal the fire of hell" read
"Tue プルートーン / nuclear civilization steal the fire of hell" (modern general education library, social philosophy, 1976) read. Jinzaburo Takagi Tokyo Metropolitan University retired, as did not exist the work is early. It's time in charge of book 7 book series "modern natural history magazine" new memories of the oil crises, nuclear power still generally thought the Messiah. Has the fundamental nuclear civilization has become humanity's second fire and or issues raised. The author has written using the "PostScript", this is instead of just a scientific manual, examined the relationship between the nuclear civilization and human society comprehensively. So isn't it about plutonium, new knowledge can be obtained otherwise. I just boned thought that for the human civilization where plutonium is unacceptable in any circumstances as comes through. Seems somewhat of a close to the origin crusted Nuke's "thought" with the author's life, work. "The fire of Prometheus" matches and "プルートーン fire". God gave fire to humans through human beings overwhelm the other creatures you becomes ruler of the biota could. But we got to knowing mankind's desire to stop hand into elemental core itself beyond the use of compound and isolation of elemental, energy of all things creative. However, prejudiced to get that its aim was the huge destructive power to win the war. And reconstruction of non-destructive use of nuclear, been understood is too much for our hard work. How to safely handle radioactive waste produced; Will require a number of years if you wait the natural damping. Originally coexistence is not possible and the biota was the energy. It is impossible completely contain the plutonium are mankind's most advanced technologies. Sure HAZMAT will be perfect with traditional technologies also temporary and unstable equilibrium produces only. If you take much more and try to utilize heat survives bankruptcy elsewhere. Substance known is the difference between dangerous levels. Toxic to the human body strength stands out. Plutonium are incorporated in the human body as particles causes the cancerous effects of delayed, its details are unknown. Do not over time is real thing not to know. Plutonium pollution is expanding on a global scale, it is the fate of the nuclear civilization. Is that nuclear civilization possible say in conclusion is only one exit in the short term, should keep human civilization is in stable material circulation. ( site on Plala Broach is the same as )