Councillors will implement has not been determined, most likely
7/21 Sunday's vote expected to date.
Upper House election are more public offices Election Act 32 paragraph 1 of the expiration of the term, 30 days prior
Have been doing.
The public offices election law
Article 32 Councillors ordinary election is conducted within the councilors ' term ends,
To do.
However, this provision has exceptions.
The public offices election law
Article 32 (1)
2 Period elections usually do pursuant to the preceding paragraph's opening in the upper house or upper House closed
In can take within 23 days from the date of regular elections are upper House closing
Shall within thirty days after the 24-date.
That is extending the Parliament session if the upper House closing date no earlier than 24-3
Be done within 10 days.
The expanded day-care 6/26 at the National Assembly session ends.
On the other hand, is the Chairman of the upper house in 7/28.
Therefore, Councillors are identified with 7/14 or 7/21 in Outlook
As shown in.
But when will extend the diet session in this.
Also possible that elections surfaced Aug.
Some of the Abe administration House of representatives constants "0 up five-year reduction" finalised a law to upper and lower da
There's skeptical view of and of could be headed to Bull.
Education period is necessary before when constant change, multi division of the House of representatives, to conduct the general election
With there is no provision expressly provides.
Because the problems of legal interpretation in the interpretation of the Government, immediately do the multi division after the general election
Is also completely incontrovertible.
Seen hopes Shinzo Abe wants to run a constitutional amendment.
But question marks attached to the legitimacy of the current House of representatives.
And deflected the constitutional legislators elected in unconstitutional elections allowed in the criticism that
To fend off criticism of the Abe's new electoral district often conduct general elections, its new
And revising the Constitution and go for under the regime of choice is born.
Although not likely put upper and lower double election of July and August likely in mind
As is necessary.
Sovereigns of Japan try to upper house elections this summer in what consciousness problem is located at.
If you show the conclusion in short, election theme is a 'sovereign back Japan".
Shinzo Abe by using copies of "Japan regain" in last December's general election.
This was "United States Japan get back" to accurately represent the.
LDP regain power and policies with the extension of.
Henoko party would rework primary futenma's participation in TPP talks proceed, in addition to exercise collective self-defense right in Japan is promoted.
Without bless the 5/3 Constitution Day was symbolic in the 4/28 the Government
It conducted the ceremony.
Actually in the Government, have this day "restoration of sovereignty," and ostensibly, different
The, Japan colonization of "restoration of sovereignty," rather than these days.
U.S. forces withdrew from Japan, Japan national-sovereignty was to be realized.
However, maintaining U.S. military 4/28 presence in Japan legally on the boundary to cum
Now what?
Japan Government's region of Okinawa, cut from Japan in article 3 of the San Francisco Peace Treaty Threw away.
And at presented the Okinawa to the U.S. military. At the same time U.S. forces won the "extraterritoriality" with 4/28.
It's 4, 1952
It's administrative agreement came into force on 28 November gave extraterritorial rights U.S. troops.
Inauguration of Abe, Japan has changed to completely dominate the United States country.
Japan army the nuclear power plant, Putian, and TPP and according to the Constitution, military bearing
The Organization to the distribution of genetically modified.
Was meaning "regain the Japan (United States)" Abe said this.
Raised in the House of Councillors, Japan sovereign "(sovereign) Japan regain" of Japan
First step to discourage colonization began.
Abe, see active faults and primary aims for nuclear power plant front it is
It is not policy to ensure the safety of the nuclear power plant.
It's a strategy, to operating the nuclear power plant.
Fault runs directly under the nuclear power is dangerous, directly beneath the primary faults running!
That even without nuclear power plants are unsafe.
The biggest reason is Japan Islands are located directly above the fault zone.
That is fault directly under the running in a narrow sense, even in broadly, active faults
It runs directly under the Japan Islands.
Therefore, achieve a safe nuclear power plant location in Japan is impossible.
However, the strategy to operating the nuclear power plant in Japan's Tamotsu Abe administration under the orders of the United States,
Was decelerating.
Was developed for the in fiction "the faults and nuclear power plants.
"Does not operate nuclear power plants located directly above the fault only" policy was "directly above the fault is not
To run a nuclear power plant "is used to guide policy. Okinawa's base burden at 73 across Japan.
Reaches 8%.
Return the futenma air base, South of futenma military facility was handed back replacement facility is off If, be relocated to Okinawa Prefecture Okinawa burden's 73.
A reduced to just 1 percent.
What this policy where "a burden".
Holiday joke or come back let me be the rest of the word.
From futenma decrepit housing areas United States and feel bad Japan
Trying to build art airfield facilities at Government expense to Nago's
We should be.
Or reduce the burden on Okinawa of illusion with the return of futenma's words.
Bring a totally different.
It's just a Japan Government has received instruction as the colonial Government of the United States.
Also ordered United States against Okinawans, if Japan Government United States the United States request is
Should be .
It's the right action of national Governments.
Though however, Okinawans oppose by consensus of the Abe administration is, the instruction of the United States
So doing trying to force a construction base in Henoko. Okinawans shows this brutality against those judgments?
Pride of the people of Okinawa's question:
TPP many times repeated, "multilateral agreements for the United States by the United States in the United States"
Not only.
Play a vital role in terms of the ISDS.
United States attempts to introduce multilateral agreements that incorporate the ISDS provisions so far is W
TO OECD, and South American countries including in the efforts.
But unsuccessfully its attempts.
Such as India, France, Brazil, and Venezuela strongly opposed, did not happen
In the United States only succeeds in the introduction of the NAFTA (North American free trade agreement) canâ
And da is stacked in the ISDS provisions stinging Mexico experience.
United States drags Japan in TPP with the ISDS, saying Japan thing.
I have tried.
But intellectuals read accurately TPP toxins in Japan, Japan TPP
To apply the brakes have been.
Commanding United States is the where the Abe administration in the United States slavery cleared a challengeIt's that.
Now, tough to follow this instruction Shinzo Abe is by the kind of shenanigans
Pushing for TPP participation in Japan.
However, in last December's general election the Liberal TPP strong opposition posters
Posting and evolved race.
Shenanigans of the Liberal-Democratic Party is unclear.
LDP Okinawa elected officials all held futenma in relocation of the opposition pledges to call a general election
However, these legislators have expressed pledges destruction of all now.
I wonder if better forgive such "shenanigans politics".
It asked the upper house elections this summer.
LDP is a structure reorganized the self-defense force, at the same time go ahead and exercise of collective self-defense rights
Japan self-defense army reorganized this means that the defence force full
To be placed under U.S. military control.
In other words, Japan is was made to be assisted automatically to future United States cause in world war
I would.
Sovereigns of Japan wants to do such things?
Think about this point, must face the upper House election.
By the Abe administration, "Japan regained the United States" in again, "posit that Japan regain that" can do. This is the main theme of the election.