Again, power grid is causing bottlenecks for the dissemination of renewable energy. Is the pattern from Hokkaido electric power co. led by President Masayoshi Son ally former Prime Minister Naoto Kan in the SB energy there denied the connection.
* Reference * has been saying and * see back-end problem exists admirably to renewable energy from the renewable energy law before entering the related articles I.
Huge cost decommissioning nuclear power plants as Fukushima after the accident was serious and Fukushima damage compensation costs and other back-end costs are in general cost method for power companies are recorded as an expense. Will shew you that I would absolutely not speaking have no back-end problems with renewable energy that is claimed and replaces it with is of course there.
And yet God must instead. Cannot save the electricity made in power plants. * Refer to centers of consumption and power companies through the transmission network owned by then.
The point is electricity without transmission network, he also do nothing now.
What obvious and difficult seems, renewable energy is to connect the existing electric grid for several reasons. Is the lack of steadiness "gensen useless, if it rains too much electricity renewable energy I highlighted more than once clears up one of the.
Because writing nag about this, please read past articles. And expected more cases existing electric grid because the other is denied access.
Still seems to like that.
For example "daily has reported what this ( 4/12/13 newspaper. "Three things like giant speaker building soars across the Tsugaru Strait, opposite the shimokita peninsula, Aomori Prefecture and Ibaraki. It's a J power (power development) submarine cable terminals. Tokyo electric power Daiichi suits and supply electricity between Honshu and Hokkaido through here stringency (strained) during power after the accident,. However, here is bottleneck playing energy intensity.
"Expected beforehand that the neck of largest connection between Honshu and Hokkaido in this article to.
It's flock to Hokkaido and Northern Honshu in the optimum location of the renewable electricity was naturally were unpredictable and that mega solar power producers.
The implication is that why do not open lid third congestion to Hokkaido of the nationwide solar power is not turning.
Because of this about buying electric frame 2 megawatt minutes set by Northern Electric as early as one year beyond the acceptable amount and frustrated querulous who hooked and denial of access to the truncated is.
Characteristically, "patriots" which showed off President son, "renewable energy Japan here stop to end up" and. By the way SB energy mega base are Obihiro and Tomakomai.
It is are big potential significantly be called power reserves of the Hokkaido and Tohoku. See the figure below.
This is wind the left edge of the chart is RJ.
This Aomori, Hokkaido, Kagoshima Prefecture, Fukushima Prefecture, Shizuoka Prefecture, Akita Prefecture, Kagoshima Prefecture, and Habitat are wind reserves.
It is from these counties has more than 6.7 m / s wind conditions, large-scale land acquisition is easy.Is this particular volume not only wind, half national mega (more than 1000 kW solar power) installation is concentrated in Hokkaido, power producers can connect to the electric grid has come to limit are Hokkaido, Tohoku region attractive for solar.
But will that shall not to build backbone transmission network new skewer into North-South transport electric to the Kanto region from I can't enough also introduced a large wind farm here made only Hokkaido and Tohoku electric power consumption, industrial belt that turns out to be. By the new energy and industrial technology development organization, NEDO ) * prefectures of wind power generation facilities introduction situation. Total output, line graph representing the number of generator chart.
Tohoku, Hokkaido northern part of nayoro district of the province speaking specifically large scale wind power deployment that allows shimokita and Tsugaru peninsula, Coast Akita, Shonai-Sakata is not that require new submarine cables and transmission networks such as Yamagata Prefecture in the region.
Japan make the electric grid and the difference between flat France and crossed the sea and not 敷 and power transmission cable and submarine cable across the steep valley. The core grid 1170000000000 circle, KITAMOTO lines connecting Honshu and Hokkaido-producing as the numbers have come up as a trial takes.
Mean (that according to Hokkaido electric power co., Tohoku electric power co. estimates) and now, lack of power transmission lines for renewable energy is focused. Also very much upon how power transmission over are so helpless. "Not anyone that could send in?
"That is the story. "Hokkaido according to estimates, such as the Ministry of the environment, to develop the solar and wind power generation capacity is approximately 28500000 kWh that is. Outweigh Canal peak power each winter 5 million kilowatt units have not only 600000 kW capacity of submarine cables. Even increased the plant very much, can't send to the consuming regions of the Mainland beyond this capacity.
"(R) industry strives to create a framework of Ministry will release 310 billion yen as the Hokkaido and Tohoku region in the transmission grid.
At present, J-power is looking is 900000 kilowatts renewable energy power generation potential in Hokkaido 285100000 kilowatts from seems to be a shortage at all but is apparently. The niggling issues that make someone a new electricity grid or 当.
From transmission network requires an enormous construction cost is. Is legally connections are required to power companies.
But you build a refuge like this.
"Detrimental to ensure smooth supply of raw fear arising there" has special connection can be refused you may earn. If winds and weather permitting sunlight is pounding power Germany is so wind turbines around the throbbing... and the is only once above the capacity of transmission networks and substations is good to deny No.
Receiver power lines and existing plants are unstable from eventually guess. So power transmission network is to deny and to special provision confers mean.
However, unpublished information that actual allowance how much electricity grid on the other hand, if from the side of power, power company that manages the power grid has a complaint.
This photovoltaic operators every day in Tokyo are to newspaper articles, planning less than 1000 kilowatt power plant last December, power company filed so far, "already have 2 submissions and did not fit" and that denied that there is.At most 1,000 kilowatts or less really shaky in what cannot be verified from outside.
And sisters, it is angry. There is a kind of story.
Plan according to the turf Bay group holdings according to the article, deploying the Kyushu, such as photovoltaic Center shinchi t. Katsumi Chairman and mega in Miyama city, Fukuoka Prefecture, is claimed laying transmission lines on Kyushu electric power substation, far.
However, is called "so you laid within six months pay 200 million yen tomorrow directed were". Paid this company is shown on the "price is the asking price. Reason to refuse permission.
Power companies one can connect to is gratefulness "with it.
Indeed, what feelings from the Kyushu electric had a precarious thing, he can't help it that is actually supposed to be harassing imitation of, has lost. Power companies are villains in newspaper articles every day well,, that if you buy electric side if you can don't want a relationship, like literally so temperamental but perhaps truth.
Benefits from not in charge.
But even new generating companies no matter how angry departure does not change the status quo side owns the transmission network at present not unbundling overwhelmingly favorable.
METI wind relationship management company invests the majority as the Ministry and the rest is currently considering plans to recoup the investment fees pay for wind power producers, established a special purpose company owned by the General Electric operators SPC.
Are considered benevolent corporations just dragging the grid renewable energy power plants like this bother is off the map to show up very uneasy State subsidized half of the total project costs 310 billion yen as priming can be. For the time being industry Ministry seems wants to 25 billion yen as the budget for fiscal year 2013, in the budgeted amount quite low.
I'm saying take any rate 1170000000000 and has been laid ever power lines severely professional electric man power company. Often easily from tianma is a miracle cure people discontinue page supplier connection is refused, angry do it yourself is not good either.
Stop or not.
Where I see appear such as SPC (special purpose company) whether slayings ( from any rate transmission project is wont ), even showed up so we covered much of the electricity grid, seems to be opaque.
Even President Masayoshi Son, maybe create a electrical cheap solar panels might have thought sell stupid high in FIT (fixed price total purchase scheme),.
So conscious of electric grids, at first entering in the massaged it would take wasn't, even if power companies make.
However, reality was waiting for was a connection refused by the power company. "" Masayoshi Son ("energy revolution"), and am not saying make SPC yourself, submarine cables and transmission towers bricked?.
If you make a cell phone base station is not good either.
So selfish demands such as son and has not been through a new power company paid submarine cable with power grids at enormous cost, not to lay that cost should changed consumers power rates hike in eventually.
I want money-making son's such as didn't want sounds.
If I don't like it to lower power costs itself should be a rework of the nuclear power plant.
Lucrative is certainly from plant construction is finished at the moment, is if it sees nuclear power plant in the life cycle not a cheap power supply. By now, would choose neither?
A headache problem? I took up a..* Related articles.
* Call for back-end nuclear power plant in the front-end activities including the fuel manufacturing, power plant construction and operation, involved in the nuclear fuel cycle, handling of radioactive waste and nuclear reactor waste furnace cost business back-end business.
* Is committed to embark on the experimental project placing tens of thousands of kW class Integrator substation as a renewable energy power generation support currently owns power companies also Ministry of economy, trade and industry. * Decided large-scale solar plants cancel mega construction in Hokkaido 5/21 13:44 SOFTBANK 21 days two Hokkaido abira town, Yakumo on total planned ( mega review of construction plans. To consider, including cancellation. For Hokkaido electric power co. did not sell thermoelectric applications. According to officials, had planned on more than 180000 kW power. Hokkaido electric announced limited acceptance of large-scale solar power with fixed price purchase introduction in April around 400000 in more than 2000 kW output. Was explained that because it increases the percentage of solar output changes in weather to unstable power supply. According to Hokkaido electric 2000 kW or more selling thermoelectric application for up 1568000 kW of 87 at the end of April, 7 percent or more difficult prospect. President Masayoshi Son of SOFTBANK us video message to 16th, meeting in Tokyo, "poised not only Hokkaido electric power company also put an upper limit, refuse.
Renewable energy in Japan end up stopping here "and had criticized.