Thursday, May 23, 2013

The prosecution without discovery PC remote manipulation case pretrial summary procedures. Presiding judge also increasingly amazed "abnormal" & Japan original TEPCO President, shoved the nuclear regulatory Commission have open letter pathetic!.

The prosecution without discovery PC remote manipulation case pretrial summary procedures.
 Presiding judge also increasingly amazed "abnormal" & Japan original TEPCO President, shoved the nuclear regulatory Commission have open letter pathetic!. I say "show is evidence of a criminal investigation after the conclusion of" no, I'm saw yesterday PC remote manipulation case pretrial summary procedures, prosecution without evidence disclosure. Or indeed the Chief Justice also was amazed "is an unusual or abnormal, how did this happen?".
 To begin with, refine the proof or trial issue, an end pretrial summary procedures is not a three-way Summit to a simple arrangement of trial counsel, prosecutors, judge I. probably the prosecution without the discovery I aim the long-term detention of suspects, delaying the trial. From discovery to the easy Street also excuse it from destruction of evidence could be no bail, said it. It is not that pretrial summary procedures used by use of the substitute prison.
Mr. SATO passion is absolutely right. And, I 違 passion Japan original electric chatter. Boarded the nuclear regulatory Commission officially authorized the fault, and the open letter and is submitted by. That's screwing the pub? 地回 don't pay fees and also is similar. In an open letter "to our honor and credit, business management in critical subiective" so now it's a this company you already got it, seems to have had been due by put into it. Accident not far from it anything other than difficulties seeing the Outlook for the company, as I do.
Somehow, I'm pathetic. -Governor of Fukui Prefecture is similar shan't be rigour to the nuclear regulatory Commission concluded that, "not doing the scientific debate. Difficult to convince as the local situation "that I blurted out that. ¡Û evidence like the 1 of 覚, what did you say the Fed's. To begin with, that organization had an advanced originality nuclear regulatory Commission is to conclude that neither are countries complain that it's supposedly supposed hadn't. Would have made more so interfere Regulatory Commission concluded Japan original electro parties I put a ichamon is know a rude talk, as local government chiefs, can somehow.
However, that's why crucial responsibility Regulation Commission member is a mean owes, can be done from this though it must.... -Conclusion of nuclear regulatory Commission the power companies which must not say it than MacBook wont, delineated these injustices came up from this. But if true, will Government do if argues "USSR, tongue"?, LDP and nasty primary would deliberately neglected because I want to promote is truth but I'm not. Whatever he felt when surveying the Japan power not left, right. I guess nuclear regulatory Commission faithful feel other's duties, was miscalculation for a nuclear village. Unusual Japan raw power as of one of the sidelines to motivate that any nuclear regulatory Commission resistance is putting pressure tactics, of everything.
Oh guys.
5/23/2013 |
"Articles on" articles in category "told"fear of destruction of evidence articles on na something-I'm not me anymore 3 months would be near prosecutors not holding evidence??
RYA press evidence and concealed it cannot cause it.
Called with less hostage investigations, hostage justice somehow, something from UN human rights protection institutions per zo!
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