Wednesday, May 22, 2013


From nuclear power Government duplicity world questioned fear (5 / 22 Tokyo newspapers) country "contradictory description of power margin with 10 minutes Olympics Tokyo summer 2020 advancing primary re production for stable supply of electric power in Japan international commitment, and Abe" democratization of the brake even embarrassing from the nuclear power plant export economic animal "beast" ( daily newspaper 5 / 22 ) "thinks the nuclear accident even 160000 people displaced persons are still not that" Stop it from the embarrassing "and to say" @iwakamiyasumi [same Yasukuni and Arlington? Prime Minister Shinzo Abe also sophistry] @TOWER_Info Tower records information 5 / 22 (JoongAng Ilbo) liken the Yasukuni Shrine in "Foreign Affairs" interview with United States Arlington National Cemetery in 16:47 currently displayed in Tower Records stores NO MUSIC, NO LIFE... UP ☆ coaster poster hosono Harumi retainer + IGA Nikko + Ito area + Miharu Koshi + Takada ren version making report it! Tower... jp/article/series... «third colored hydrangeas flowers summer |
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