"Toda citizens think nuclear power plant Association" is Watanabe katsuyoshi was evacuated from iitate in Fukushima Prefecture "survive the internal radiation exposure" film kamanaka Hitomi as the second annual gathering: films and lectures ( former JA 1985 Union Secretary-General ) has said it will hold a meeting to speak with.
Chernobyl heart screenings and Nitta Kazuaki lecture held to 1st July last year gathering: films and lectures, is planned in response to the "moral and remorse for the accident weathered we don't" desire amid growing voices such as "wanted to know the reality of the nuclear damage. and internal radiation exposure radiation know after that. A representative group Toda citizens think nuclear power plants, "is the capital Association" so has a greeting like kawabuchi Takayanagi-Michiko San in the leaflets call for introduction. (Site admin) ■ know the threat of radioactive contamination and a-bomb "Toda citizens think nuclear meeting" sponsored by nuclear damage ":"gathering of film and lecture 2nd participation > with East Japan earthquake and Fukushima nuclear power plant-2 years and 2 months. Radiation is scattered and contaminated water leakage and nuclear fuel pool cooling stop accidents occurred during this time is a far cry from the "convergence" situation. Decided and it rejoined the Government Prime Minister Shinzo Abe pressed calls for national nuclear zero the former Noda "2030s to aim at nuclear zero" policy to scrap (protection) and nuclear power plant promotion policy of primary re production, construction of new and expansion of exports cut the rudder. Protests are found in nationwide various places including the Parliament, our "Toda citizens think nuclear power plant of" weathering the nuclear issues, without "immediate nuclear zero" seeking the movement developed. As the second part of the lecture and film screening of "Chernobyl heart" was held last July, gathering (230 people attended) held the second annual gathering: films and lectures this year. Listen to specifically respond to voice such as "wanted to know the reality of the nuclear damage. and internal radiation exposure radiation know, was evacuated from iitate in Fukushima Prefecture"internal radiation surviving"kamanaka Hitomi movie story.
Join us call for citizens only.
Representative Takayanagi Michiko "Toda citizens think nuclear power plant Association" ( "is the capital Association" representative ) == == == == == == == == == = = = = = = = = = = = = = primary damage of reality and radioactivity pollution of threat know "2nd" film and lecture of tsudoi "> movie ■" internal exposure surviving "kamanaka Hitomi Director works + lecture ■" Fukushima of now talks about "k. Watanabe ( original village residents ) on: 6/8/2013-4: ( 1: half-doors open ) venue: new 曽福 that Center ( Toda-Shi Oaza new great-1395 ) Certificates of participation cooperation: Toda citizens think about free sponsored by the nuclear power plant high school students: 800 yen (including the materials) phone 048-443-3603 ( Maruyama, call 090-8441, Japan-3960 ( Inagaki genpatsutoda@gmail.com=============================== ■ official website "Toda citizens think nuclear power plant Association" ■ blog "Toda citizens think nuclear power plant Association"
genpatsutoda.blog.FC2.com/ ■ Twitter "Toda citizens think nuclear power plant Association" ■ "Toda citizens think nuclear power plant Association"