[Tomorrow 5 / 3 (holidays / gold) Kinoshita Huang Tai lecture IN Tokushima]
"True Western Japan press is able to report' 14:00 ~ 16:00 (13:30) and くぎん トモニプラザ (Tokushima prefecture Youth Center) 4F handling in the boardroom (Tokushima, Tokushima City Castle 2-1) Koyama Assistant Professor of Museum station main, flat Banso tact, O-ba ' sh crust.
Even if you are not booking please come directly to the venue. ===========================================
【5/5(日)木下黄太講演+対話集会 IN松山】
(開場13:30 開始14:00 終了予定16:00)
もしくはメール申込→ info-dagge@lion.nifty.jp 〈氏名、連絡先、人数明記(4人以内)〉
==================================== = Ms. Hasegawa hagoromo moderator also served as Dr. バンダジェフ skiing in Kyoto === === is co-director of "Green Party", is being run for the elections. I heard that mothers had activity, working separately from the political standpoint in Kyoto and her exposure prevention launched the rants of.
Support for particular political parties does not make me ("Green Party" also know well know) there are State partnerships in various talk with her including Kyoto group people (Green Party no one really) and activity continues in a similar stance.
Such selfish, sequential movements, recognize the whole think fairly extends support for her is. Hasegawa robe child selfish-"I think Hasegawa robe child rants-signers wanted reality sites be natural food stores was including exposure avoidance member actually recently launched. It shops to open, then launch hand-2 my mother is doing what it is (they are a superwoman is) playing round the hand? and now wanted to go talk to one hour a day.
Rants-(Kyoto's main) manpower help people not only on the net, go to the store, contact. would delay going out concerns about the radiation issue is not a situation such movement recognized the people http://www.manman-kyoto-natural.jp/ me to write like this too.
Is less able to solve political (will be backed by political will often do) I'm really still nurses in person at the scene, more desirable. = ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== ===== == = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = [Toyama City-rubble blocking] 森富 mountain Mayor criminal accusations to move had. Is indicted for civil servants abuse of power and breach of trust, injury of "ignoring the pollution control agreement was burned and the ashes innings, as according to reports. Toyama prosecutors documents talk is accepted without flaw.
But the head of forest on malicious prosecution charges appeal Conversely, is dissolving. This story became aware movement really be criminal charges was for the first time in coverage.
So was reported clear keep I know. First of all, criminal charges into the Woods Mayor groups is mothers in the Toyama Prefecture centering on the radiation protection working group (such as any party, sect, religious groups or political parties irrelevant).
Is I was invited to attend lectures once to this policy prior to, recently, members of this group and is touch situation completely.I called, held 3 / 3, 3 / 3 "Toyama rubble blocking competition to criminal prosecution under せんちゃ to Ikeda's mother! Let's power of all! -"To hear about this group was practically independent of the situation (and not into the organizers and members not come anyone can to the venue on the day.
Agreed name is there as well as with other bodies).
Description for the "mothers Woods Mayor criminal complaints from the Union President, district of ponds" (someone receiving violent threats and destroyed billboards) to that prosecutors in advance forest Mayor in the rubble but never from this group.
And with this group and has acted under the guidance of Yamamoto Setsuko recently was this criminal indictments have been made has heard of it from local. Feelings and want that prosecutors Woods Mayor is translations incomprehensible to me. But there are many story considering criminal complaints, or really doing it?, what is the legal validity of other mothers think it should clear regarding this matter was fully out of the loop I it though does not comment on over, in many ways, Toyama is increasingly the face of slinging.
I was concerned and are even threatened by someone with violent elements exposed in good おきなければ,.