5 / 1 / 2013 10:12 PM natural ecology and environment 5/4 "greenery day". Is very welcome, "Green Party" in the upper House election this year will be held July, global greens worldwide Green parties to first challenge in the national politics. I had hoped that Greens decently to Japan 30 years came to Japan. When the Green Party was founded and soon became a supporter.
Will change the world of think Green Party. And also of course a "children's day" 5/5 is also another one single important anniversary. It is, first stop all nuclear power plants in Japan. The Hokkaido night no. 3 enters regular service 5/5 stopped at the operation of all nuclear power plants based on 50 across the country. Had been Government keep moving the primary voice of the people did not excuse it. 3.4 Unit of the Oi nuclear power plant again is I have operation then threats lie against the public that power becomes insufficient, more lies like that doesn't work.
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