Wednesday, May 1, 2013

■ When 10: ★ crucified! Exercise!

     ★ run once the 10: Orchid Lara I ~ ~ ~ 10: are you going ★ lari ☆ ルレ ★ b ~ ~ ~ once at 10 or 10: movement!
                    Once at 10 or 10: exercise!
Once at 10 or 10: exercise!
Once at 10 or 10: exercise ~ ~ ~ anymore, so that large earthquakes can not come!
Not so anymore, massive tsunamis come!
Not so anymore, big storms come!
So it doesn't rain anymore!
Falls to though the stock price went up cum!
Again and again bomb not be dropped to anywhere in the world is so!
Do not allow anymore, accident place!
One day soon, eliminates the radiation leaks from nuclear power plants!
1 As soon as the rubble is removed!
One day soon, contaminated soil will be removed!
To the lives of those affected by 立ち直れます early!
The victims heart be healed quickly, so you can bounce back!
Hope the reconstruction of the affected areas as soon as possible!
Crazy North Korea at the earliest, abducted Japanese return to Japan!
And stopping nuclear tests and missile launches, will be a decent country!
Korea and China can be found straight up!
Japan also can be found much more seriously so that cum!
Is so have ethnic harmony and peaceful relations with all countries and Nations, ethnic!
For the peace of Israel.
And for world peace!
Will no longer have no one to grieve with real sorrow ~ ~ ~! 10: Let us pray Jesus to pray to Jesus?! Exercise participation please ~ ~ ~ not \ (. ◕‿◕。 )/\(◎o◎)/\(。 ◕‿◕。 ), More funny, come on! Come on! 10: What!
The guys (movement of the cross prayer) come on! 10: What! Please exercise participation here.
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